9/2/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “Perseverance,” the last in the sermon series ‘Pursuing God’s Vision,’ you can watch it here.

Help Us Discern God’s Vision for LWC –   If you have not yet signed up for a Focus Group, as part of our church-wide vision discernment process, you can click here or call the church office at 765-674-7715 to get signed up for one. We now have a virtual only group that will meet on Wednesday Sept. 16th  at 6:30. Sign up here for the virtual group.

Small Groups Kicking Off -   New small groups are launching on Sept. 13th that will run until Dec. 12th. We have both in-person and digital options.  Sermon discussion is the focus of our small groups, but each group has its own unique activity or theme to draw the people together through common interest. We have a group that plays games and another that goes hiking around Grant County! There’s something for everyone! Sign-up for a group by Sept. 12th here.

Reception for Luchetti Family –  Please mark your calendars for Sunday Sept. 20th when Lenny Luchetti will be the guest speaker for our worship service and he and his family will be joining us afterward for a reception where we will have the opportunity to thank him for his gracious service as our Interim Pastor. Gifts and cards for the Luchetti family are welcome. 

8/26/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon –  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “It Takes a Team,” you can watch it here.

Help Us Discern God’s Vision for LWC – If you have not yet signed up for a Focus Group, as part of our church-wide vision discernment process, you can click here or call the church office at 765-674-7715 to get signed up for one. We hope to have every person who attends LWC in one! There are many different options for meeting times, but if none of the dates work, please let us know.

Election Prayer Guides – The presidential election is just around the corner! Grab a prayer guide at the Welcome Center and join us in praying for our country.

Feed the Street Donations – You can find this month’s menu here or pick up a copy at the Welcome Center. Donations for our September distribution are due by this Sunday, August 30th. Thank you for helping us bless our community!

Financial Report – If you would like to view this month’s financial summary report, please contact Business Manager John Pfaff at jpfaff@lakeviewwesleyan.org or call or stop in to the church office Monday- Thursday between 9-4.

Reception for Luchetti Family – Please mark your calendars for Sunday Sept. 20th when Lenny Luchetti will be the guest speaker for our worship service and he and his family will be joining us afterward for a reception where we will have the opportunity to thank him for his gracious service as our Interim Pastor.

8/19/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “Dynamic Tension,” you can watch it here.

Help Us Discern God’s Vision for LWC –   If you have not yet signed up for a Focus Group, as part of our church-wide vision discernment process, you can click here or call the church office at 765-674-7715 to get signed up for one. We hope to have every person who attends LWC in one! There are many different options for meeting times, but if none of the dates work, please let us know.

Children’s Ministry Reopening -  Our children’s ministry is reopening this Sunday Aug. 23! Check out this page on our website for more details on the Safety Plan for kids that Miss Kayla has diligently on. Feel free to continue worshipping from home with your kiddos if you choose, or to bring them to the main service and utilize a “Kids Kit.” For those attending children’s services, note the change that kids will check in and go right to their programs before the worship service begins.

Feed the Street Donations – You can find this month’s menu here or pick up a copy at the Welcome Center. Donations for our September distribution are due by August 30th. Thank you for helping us bless our community!

Communion this Sunday -  This Sunday, we will participate in Communion at the in-person service held at the church. All Communion is individually wrapped for your safety. If you will be watching from home and want to participate in Communion with us, we encourage you to gather elements such as grape juice and bread or crackers and have these ready for the service, which will be broadcasted live.

Celebration of Life for James Lipetri – As his physical body is failing, his spiritual body is becoming alive. James would like to invite his church family to celebrate his life this Saturday at Lakeview at 2:00 pm. Please no gifts, but feel free to bring a card filled with memories or encouragement for James and Margo. Masks and social distancing required.  

Church Choir –  Lakeview’s choir will begin rehearsals again tonight from 6:30-8PM in the FLC Conference room. New members are welcome, and anyone interested is invited to attend! To keep everyone safe, masks must be worn by anyone attending. Any questions can be directed to Christina Huff at cjc_iwu@yahoo.com

8/12/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “Vision’s Birthplace,” you can watch it here.
Help Us Discern God’s Vision for LWC –   To kick off our vision discernment process, we will be hosting Focus Groups in September. These small groups of 15-20 people will be invited to invest 75 minutes together in answering 5 questions about our church. The thoughts, insights, and hopes that you share in these groups will be an important part of the vision discernment process, so we want every person who attends LWC to participate. Let’s be prayerful as we seek God’s direction for LWC! Sign up for a focus group here.
Ordination Service –   Celebrate with us by watching online as our own Pastor Jared Webb is among those being ordained by the Wesleyan Church this Saturday! Though held at our church, this is a ticketed event and if you do not already have a ticket, we invite you to join in by watching the service live here on Saturday at 1 PM and encourage you to congratulate Rev. Jared Webb when you see him on Sunday!
Children’s Ministry Reopening -  Our children’s ministry is reopening starting Sunday Aug. 23! Check out this page on our website for more details on the Safety Plan for kids that Miss Kayla has diligently been working on. Feel free to continue worshipping from home with your kiddos if you choose, or to bring them to the main service and utilize a “Kids Kit.” For those attending children’s services, note the change that kids will check in and go right to their programs before the worship service begins.
Baby Bottle Fundraiser – For those who still have Baby Bottles or would like to donate to the Pregnancy Help Center, this Sunday is the last day to turn in Baby Bottles. The goal is to reach or exceed $30 per bottle and they accept donations of cash, check, or credits cards (online here). Click here to find out more information about the center. If you were not able to pick a bottle up, you can still bring monetary donations in this Sunday and put it in a bottle, found in the back of the sanctuary, or bring donations in to the church office during the week.
Women’s Ministry Updates – This past week, two prayer resources were sent out to ladies who have signed up to receive emailed resources and updates from the Lakeview Women’s Ministry. If you would like to be added to subscribe to receive these updates, send an email to Zoe Hagy at zhagy@indy.rr.com.
Brown Bag/Feed the Street Update – After much thought and consideration in regard to how Lakeview can best serve the hungry in our community, we have decided to redirect our food donations into our Feed the Street ministry and discontinue the Brown Bag ministry. Feed the Street monthly delivers food to families in need through our Children's Ministry. While the Brown Bag ministry will no longer exist, the mission to feed the hungry in Marion lives on through Feed the Street—a mission that we can't accomplish without your help with donations of food.
What does this mean for your donations? Monthly, we will release a new menu that we would like to bless our adopted families with; you can purchase the items and drop them off at the Welcome Center or office as normal. You can find this month's menu at lakeviewwesleyan.org/feed-the-street or pick up a paper copy at the Welcome Center. Donations for our September distribution are due by August 30th. Thank-you for helping us bless our community!

8/5/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “Untaming Jesus,” you can watch it here.

Help Us Discern God’s Vision for LWC –   To kick off our vision discernment process, we will be hosting Focus Groups in September. These small groups of 15-20 people will be invited to invest 75 minutes together in answering 5 questions about our church. The thoughts, insights, and hopes that you share in these groups will be an important part of the vision discernment process, so we want every person who attends LWC to participate. Let’s be prayerful as we seek God’s direction for LWC! Sign up for a focus group here.

Baby Bottle Fundraiser – This Sunday is the last day to turn in Baby Bottles for the fundraiser with Pregnancy Help Center.  The goal is to reach or exceed $30 per bottle and they accept donations of cash, check, or credits cards (online here). Click here to find out more information about the center. If you were not able to pick a bottle up, you can still bring monetary donations in this Sunday and put it in a bottle, found in the back of the sanctuary.

Pray for Schools -  Join us in lifting up all teachers, school administrators, children, and parents as today is the first day of school for many children in our area!

Safety Plan –   In light of the governor's announcement regarding the state-wide mandate for masks to be worn in all commercial entities, we are asking everyone who attends an in-person service here at Lakeview or visits our building during the week to wear a mask. We want to set a good example as a leader in our community by taking every precaution as we seek to provide a COVID safe environment for our church family and the administrators, faculty, and students at our school. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!

Prayer Meeting Tuesday – Prayer meeting next Tuesday, August 11 will take place at Indiana Wesleyan University at the Williams Prayer Chapel on the main campus at 6:00 PM. For those who are unable to join us in person, please check in on the church’s Facebook account at 6:00 PM to pray along with us.

Pastoral Care Needs – If you need to get in touch with a pastor or have an immediate prayer need that you would like to specifically share with a pastor, please call (765) 251-8824 or email care@lakeviewwesleyan.org.

7/29/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “The Utter Relief of Forgiveness,” you can watch it here.

Help Us Discern God’s Vision for LWC –   This fall we will be engaged  in a congregation-wide vision discernment process. The first step in the process is listening to God and to each other. Be on the lookout for an invitation to sign up for one of our Vision Focus Groups. These small groups of 15-20 people will be invited to invest 75 minutes together in answering 5 questions about our church. The thoughts, insights, and hopes that you share in these groups will be an important part of the vision discernment process, so we want every person who attends LWC to participate. Sign-ups for the Vision Focus Groups will be available beginning in early August. Let’s be prayerful as we seek God’s direction for LWC!

Baby Bottle Fundraiser – Baby bottles for the Pregnancy Help Center are going to be collected Sunday August 9th and 16th.  The goal is to reach or exceed $30 per bottle and they accept donations of cash, check, or credits cards (online here). Click here to find out more information about the center. There are still some bottles left on the table in the back of the sanctuary or you can stop in to or call the office to find out how you can participate or to pick up a bottle. 

Pray for Schools -  Join us in lifting up all teachers, school administrators, children, and parents as they prepare to go back to school next week in unknown and unprecedented times.  

Safety Plan –   In light of the governor's announcement this week regarding the state-wide mandate for masks to be worn in all commercial entities, we are asking everyone who attends an in-person service here at Lakeview or visits our building during the week to fully comply with the governor's mandate and wear a mask. We want to set a good example as a leader in our community by taking every precaution as we seek to provide a COVID safe environment for our church family and the administrators, faculty, and students at our school. As you join for worship in the weeks ahead, please wear a mask. Thanks in advance for your cooperation! 

Pastoral Care Needs – If you need to get in touch with a pastor or have an immediate prayer need that you would like to specifically share with a pastor, please call (765) 251-8824 or email care@lakeviewwesleyan.org.

7/22/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  Do you ever worry about things in your life? If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “Winning Over Worry,” be sure to catch it here.
Mission Marion -  Last week, our youth group partnered with two other local churches and their youth groups to participate in a mission trip right here in our own community. They had a great time learning about Jesus and being Jesus to our neighbors, while serving in several organizations around Grant County including Hope House, the Rescue Mission, and Grace House. Check out a video that the Rescue Mission made about the experience here!
Baby Bottle Fundraiser – We have a couple of baby bottles left, located on a table in the lobby, that you can pick up on your way home from church this Sunday! If you are not able to come to church but would still like to participate in this important fundraiser to support the local Pregnancy Help Center, please call the church office to find out how you can donate: 765-674-7715. The goal is to reach or exceed $30 per bottle and they accept donations of cash, check, or credits cards (online here). Click here to find out more information about the center.
Prayer Meeting – We will be alternating weeks of hosting in-person prayer meetings and Facebook Live only prayer meetings, though every meeting will be broadcasted live as well. Next Tuesday, July 28th, it will be held in person at 6:00 pm downtown around the courthouse, where we will lift up our church family, community, and leaders in prayer. We would love to have you join us in person (remember, meet at the courthouse) or to tune in on Facebook and join your church family in prayer in these unprecedented times.
Communion Coming Up -  This Sunday, we will participate in Communion at the in-person service held at the church. All Communion is individually wrapped for your safety. If you will be watching from home and want to participate in Communion with us, we encourage you to gather elements such as grape juice and bread or crackers and have these ready for the service, which will be broadcasted live.
Financial Report –   If you would like to view this month’s financial summary report, please contact Business Manager John Pfaff at jpfaff@lakeviewwesleyan.org or call or stop in to the church office between 9-4.
Pastoral Care Needs – If you need to get in touch with a pastor or have an immediate prayer need that you would like to specifically share with a pastor, please call (765) 251-8824 or email care@lakeviewwesleyan.org.

7/15/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Jessica shared, titled “What Do We Do With Blurry?”, you can watch it here.
Mission Marion -  Please keep our teens (and all involved) in your prayers this week as they are in the middle of a local mission “trip” right in our own community, called “Mission Marion.” Together with Brookhaven and Chapel Pike, they are ministering to organizations and individuals in Grant County all week long, led by our own Pastor Jessica and other local pastors.

Baby Bottle Fundraiser – Don’t forget to pick up a baby bottle, located on a table in the lobby, on your way home from church this Sunday! If you are not able to come to church but would still like to participate in this important fundraiser to support the local Pregnancy Help Center, please call the church office to find out how you can donate: 765-674-7715. The goal is to reach or exceed $30 per bottle and they accept donations of cash, check, or credits cards (online here). Click here to find out more information about the center.

Prayer Meeting – We will be alternating weeks of hosting in-person prayer meetings and Facebook Live only prayer meetings, though every meeting will be broadcasted live as well. This coming Tuesday, July 21st, will be on Facebook Live only, at 6:00 pm. Don’t forget to tune in and join your church family in prayer in these unprecedented times.

Communion Coming Up -  Sunday, July 26th  we will participate in Communion at the in-person service held at the church. All Communion is individually wrapped for your safety. If you will be watching from home and want to participate in Communion with us, we encourage you to gather elements such as grape juice and bread or crackers and have these ready for the service, which will be broadcasted live.

Help Us Discern God’s Vision for LWC –   This fall we will be engaged  in a congregation-wide vision discernment process. The first step in the process is listening to God and to each other. Be on the lookout for an invitation to sign up for one of our Vision Focus Groups. These small groups of 15-20 people will be invited to invest 75 minutes together in answering 5 questions about our church. The thoughts, insights, and hopes that you share in these groups will be an important part of the vision discernment process, so we want every person who attends LWC to participate. Sign-ups for the Vision Focus Groups will be available beginning in August. Let’s be prayerful as we seek God’s direction for LWC!

Pastoral Care Needs – If you need to get in touch with a pastor or have an immediate prayer need that you would like to specifically share with a pastor, please call (765) 251-8824 or email care@lakeviewwesleyan.org.

7/8/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Jared shared, titled “Warnings” you can watch it here.

Help Us Discern God’s Vision for LWC -  This fall we will be engaged  in a congregation-wide vision discernment process. The first step in the process is listening to God and to each other. Be on the lookout for an invitation to sign up for one of our Vision Focus Groups. These small groups of 15-20 people will be invited to invest 75 minutes together in answering 5 questions about our church. The thoughts, insights, and hopes that you share in these groups will be an important part of the vision discernment process, so we want every person who attends LWC to participate. Sign-ups for the Vision Focus Groups will be available beginning in August. Let’s be prayerful as we seek God’s direction for LWC!
Prayer Meeting -  Next Tuesday, July 14th we will meet in person outside doors C and D, by the three crosses for prayer meeting at 6:00 PM. It will also still be broadcasted live for those who are uncomfortable or unable to attend in person.
Mission Marion -  Please keep our teens (and all involved) in your prayers next week as they embark on a mission “trip” right here in our community of Marion, led by Pastor Jessica and two other local pastors. This event, called Mission Marion, starts Sunday July 12 and goes through the week next week.  

Baby Bottle Fundraiser -  Starting this Sunday we will be participating in a Baby Bottle Fundraiser for the Pregnancy Help Center that is located in Marion. We would love to have each family take a bottle home for a month and fill the bottle with spare change, dollars, or whatever you feel led to give to this amazing organization!  
Pray for LCS and Local Schools -  Remember to pray for our own school as Justin Simos has taken on the role of School Administrator after Dr. Brian Crouse’s departure. He will need our prayers and support as he and his team navigate the start of school with COVID-19 and keeping all safety measures in mind. We are excited to welcome Principal Simos into this role, as we have come to know and love him as the K-6th grade principal for the past three years. Let’s also lift up the area school administration teams and teachers as they prepare to begin the new school year in the midst of the pandemic.

In-person and Online Church
 – We would like to remind you that you are more than welcome to participate in-person on Sundays or from the comfort of your home if you choose. Services will continue to be live-streamed here. If you choose to worship in person, note that it will be a family-style service (no children’s ministry) and we ask that if you have a fever or are not feeling well to please stay home. For more details on our safety plan, click here.

7/1/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, the last in a series called “What Kind of Church,” titled “A Multiplying Community,” you can watch it here.
Focus Groups -  Be on the lookout for more information in the coming weeks on Focus Groups! We are hoping to have every person who attends LWC in a Focus Group, where they will contribute to creating a vision for our church. Sign ups will be coming out in August for a fall kick off for these groups that will each meet one time.

In-person and Online Church – LWC is excited to have its doors open again! We wanted to remind you that you are more than welcome to participate in-person on Sundays or from the comfort of your home if you choose. Services will continue to be live-streamed here. If you choose to worship in person, note that it will be a family-style service (no children’s ministry) and we ask that if you have a fever or are not feeling well to please stay home. For more details on our safety plan, click here.

LWC Appointed Leaders –   Due to the cancellation of our Local Church Conference, the Local Board of Administration was empowered to appoint individuals to fill elected leadership vacancies in our church. Click here to see the updated list of appointed lay leaders in the church.

Pastoral Care Needs – If you need to get in touch with a pastor or have an immediate prayer need that you would like to specifically share with a pastor, please call (765) 251-8824 or email care@lakeviewwesleyan.org.

6/24/20 Newsflash

Video -  Check out this video to hear some important announcements about what is going on at Lakeview from Pastor Chris!
Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “A Discipling Community”, you can watch it here.
Farewell Reception -  This Sunday, immediately following service, we will have a reception to honor and thank Nancy Kline (25 years of service), Pastor Zach Bardsley, and Sharon Bardsley for their years of service working with the church. You can bring notes of encouragement, cards, or gifts if you feel led to do so. Please join us in thanking them and praying God’s blessing on them as they begin new chapters in their lives.
Communion Coming Up -  This Sunday we will participate in communion at the in-person service held at the church. All communion is individually wrapped for your safety. If you will be watching from home and want to participate in communion with us, we encourage you to gather elements such as grape juice and bread or crackers and have these ready for the service, which will be broadcasted live.
In-person and Online Church – LWC is excited to have its doors open again! We wanted to remind you that you are more than welcome to participate in-person on Sundays or from the comfort of your home if you choose. Services will continue to be live-streamed here. If you choose to worship in person, note that it will be a family-style service (no children’s ministry) and we ask that if you have a fever or are not feeling well to please stay home. For more details on our safety plan, click here.
Conclusion of Drive Thru Prayer -  Now that we are back to in-person gatherings, Drive Thru prayer has concluded. If you are not able to attend service on Sundays, you can stop by the church during the week (M-F 9 am - 3 pm) and receive a prayer from your car! Call the office at 765-674-7715 and let us know you are outside and a pastor will come out to greet you. Tithes and offerings can be given online, sent in the mail, or dropped off at the office. 
LWC Appointed Leaders –   Due to the cancellation of our Local Church Conference, the Local Board of Administration was empowered to appoint individuals to fill elected leadership vacancies in our church. Click here to see the updated list of appointed lay leaders in the church.
Pastoral Care Needs – If you need to get in touch with a pastor or have an immediate prayer need that you would like to specifically share with a pastor, please call (765) 251-8824 or email care@lakeviewwesleyan.org.

06/18/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “A Gospel Community”, you can watch it here.
Farewell Reception -  June 28th, immediately following service, we will have a reception to honor and thank Nancy Kline (25 years of service) and Pastor Zach Bardsley for their years of service working with the church. You can bring notes of encouragement, cards, or gifts if you feel led to do so. Please join us in thanking them and praying God’s blessing on them as they begin new chapters in their lives.
Conclusion of Drive Thru Prayer -  Now that we are back to in-person gatherings, Drive Thru prayer has concluded. If you are not able to attend service on Sundays, you can stop by the church during the week (M-F 9 am - 3 pm) and receive a prayer from your car! Call the office at 765-674-7715 and let us know you are outside and a pastor will come out to greet you. Tithes and offerings can be given online, sent in the mail, or dropped off at the office. 
In-person and Online Church – LWC is excited to have it's doors open again! We wanted to remind you that you are more than welcome to participate in-person on Sundays or from the comfort of your home if you choose. Services will continue to be live-streamed here. If you choose to worship in person, note that it will be a family-style service (no children’s ministry) and we ask that if you have a fever or are not feeling well to please stay home. For more details on our safety plan, click here.

Communion Coming Up -  On  Sunday, June 28th, we will participate in communion at the in-person service held at the church. All communion is individually wrapped for your safety. If you will be watching from home and want to participate in communion with us, we encourage you to gather elements such as grape juice and bread or crackers and have these ready for the service, which will be broadcasted live. 

Pastoral Care Needs – If you need to get in touch with a pastor or have an immediate prayer need that you would like to specifically share with a pastor, please call (765) 251-8824 or email care@lakeviewwesleyan.org.

6/10/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “A Missional Community”, you can watch it here.
In-person and Online Church – LWC is excited to open its doors again! We wanted to remind you that you are more than welcome to participate in-person on Sundays or from the comfort of your home if you choose. Services will continue to be live-streamed here. If you choose to worship in person, note that it will be a family-style service (no children’s ministry) and we ask that if you have a fever or are not feeling well to please stay home. For more details on our safety plan, click here.
Drive Thru Prayer -  This is the last Sunday we will have Drive Thru Prayer, which is now in Lot A from 11:30-12:30 on Sundays. If you are not yet comfortable attending in-person services on Sundays, which we completely understand, you can stop by during the week and receive a prayer from your car! Call the office at 765-674-7715 and let us know you are outside and we will get a pastor to come to you as soon as we can! Tithes can be dropped off at this time, or mailed in to the office. 
Financial Summaries - 
Our office staff are more than happy to provide a copy of our monthly financial summary upon request. Call the office or email jpfaff@lakeviewwesleyan.org.

6/3/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “Favor”, you can watch it here.
In-person and Online Church – We had a great reopening of in-person church this past Sunday! We wanted to remind you that you are more than welcome to participate live and in-person on Sundays or from the comfort of your home if you choose. Services will continue to be live-streamed on Sundays. If you choose to worship in person, note that it will be a family-style service (no children’s ministry) and we ask that if you have a fever or are not feeling well to please stay home. For more details on our safety plan, click here.
Brown Bag Ministry – We are in need of specific food items for our Brown Bag ministry. We generally have 2-3 requests a week for a food, and as of now, we do not have enough to make up even one bag, though we have plenty of canned vegetables. Items needed are: canned meat, canned beans, canned soup, boxed dinners, pasta, pasta sauce, instant rice, instant potatoes, canned fruit, oatmeal, cereal, and granola bars. Please remember this ministry the next time you are at the grocery store. Items can be dropped off at the church office between the hours of 9-3 or on Sunday mornings at the Welcome Center.
2019/2020 Year-end Reports -  Click here to read highlights from our pastors about last year in their year-end reports that would have been distributed at the Local Church Conference.
Drive Thru Prayer -  Drive Thru Prayer has been moved to Lot A (near the bypass and Door A) but the time will remain 11:30 – 12:30. You can feel free to bring your tithes and offering with you or just drive through for a special prayer from one of our pastors.

5/20/2020 Newsflash

A Brief Update from Pastor Chris– Check out this video for some important updates about what to expect with the reopening of the church from Pastor Chris.
Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Zach shared, titled “Depth”, you can watch it here.
Reopening the Church – We are excited to announce that the plan to reopen the church launches with an in-person family style (no children’s services) service on Sunday, May 31st.  More details are outlined on our website, but we encourage those who are high-risk as well as those who are not feeling well (or who have a temperature) to stay home and join us online. We will continue with the Drive Thru Prayer time from 11:30-12:30, but starting May 31st, will move that to parking lot A (by the Family Life Center).
21 Days of Prayer – Join us on Facebook every day at 10:00 am Monday- Saturday for a daily Scripture and prayer focus for the next 10 days. If you are unable to tune in on Facebook, you can follow along on our website by clicking here. Then, on May 31st, we invite you to gather with us virtually for TOGETHER, an online prayer event, where Wesleyans everywhere will be calling out for a fresh pouring out of the Spirit of God upon us.  The livestream starts at 7pm eastern time. Click here to find out more about the event TOGETHER!
Blog -  Click here to check out the latest blog submitted by guest writer Brad Burchell, titled, “Modern Plagues.”

5/6/2020 Newsflash

A Brief Update from Pastor Chris– Check out this video for some important updates from  Pastor Chris!
Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed it, you can watch the Online Missions Conference sermon from Guest Speaker Hubert Herriman here.
Faith Promise -  You can be an integral part of supporting Lakeview’s global impact on missions by partnering with our missionaries through a Faith Promise. The Faith Promise is between you and God and will help the missions committee plan and budget for how they are able to support missionaries through the year. The form can be found online by clicking here. Please make sure to pray about this and have your form completed by May 31st.  Click here to find out what exactly a Faith Promise is.
Growth Meetings -  One thing’s for sure—many of us have time we never thought we'd have. As your pastors, we want to come alongside you and help you grow as a Christian. Now's the time to learn more about that book of the Bible you've always wondered about, to improve your prayer life, to kick that old sinful habit...to grow personally in your relationship with Christ! Sign-up today for a bi-weekly, 20-30 minute, one-on-one phone call or video conference with one of our pastors by clicking here.
21 Days of Prayer – Save the dates! Our local church will kick off 21 days of Prayer on May 10th with prayer focuses for each day through May 31st.  On May 31st, we invite you to gather with us virtually for TOGETHER, an online prayer event, where Wesleyans everywhere will be calling out for a fresh pouring out of the Spirit of God upon us.  The livestream starts at 7pm eastern time. Click here to find out more about the event TOGETHER!
Reopening the Church – Please know that the pastoral team is working diligently to come up with a plan to safely reopen church and more details will be announced on May 17th.