7/15/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Jessica shared, titled “What Do We Do With Blurry?”, you can watch it here.
Mission Marion -  Please keep our teens (and all involved) in your prayers this week as they are in the middle of a local mission “trip” right in our own community, called “Mission Marion.” Together with Brookhaven and Chapel Pike, they are ministering to organizations and individuals in Grant County all week long, led by our own Pastor Jessica and other local pastors.

Baby Bottle Fundraiser – Don’t forget to pick up a baby bottle, located on a table in the lobby, on your way home from church this Sunday! If you are not able to come to church but would still like to participate in this important fundraiser to support the local Pregnancy Help Center, please call the church office to find out how you can donate: 765-674-7715. The goal is to reach or exceed $30 per bottle and they accept donations of cash, check, or credits cards (online here). Click here to find out more information about the center.

Prayer Meeting – We will be alternating weeks of hosting in-person prayer meetings and Facebook Live only prayer meetings, though every meeting will be broadcasted live as well. This coming Tuesday, July 21st, will be on Facebook Live only, at 6:00 pm. Don’t forget to tune in and join your church family in prayer in these unprecedented times.

Communion Coming Up -  Sunday, July 26th  we will participate in Communion at the in-person service held at the church. All Communion is individually wrapped for your safety. If you will be watching from home and want to participate in Communion with us, we encourage you to gather elements such as grape juice and bread or crackers and have these ready for the service, which will be broadcasted live.

Help Us Discern God’s Vision for LWC –   This fall we will be engaged  in a congregation-wide vision discernment process. The first step in the process is listening to God and to each other. Be on the lookout for an invitation to sign up for one of our Vision Focus Groups. These small groups of 15-20 people will be invited to invest 75 minutes together in answering 5 questions about our church. The thoughts, insights, and hopes that you share in these groups will be an important part of the vision discernment process, so we want every person who attends LWC to participate. Sign-ups for the Vision Focus Groups will be available beginning in August. Let’s be prayerful as we seek God’s direction for LWC!

Pastoral Care Needs – If you need to get in touch with a pastor or have an immediate prayer need that you would like to specifically share with a pastor, please call (765) 251-8824 or email care@lakeviewwesleyan.org.