7/8/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Jared shared, titled “Warnings” you can watch it here.

Help Us Discern God’s Vision for LWC -  This fall we will be engaged  in a congregation-wide vision discernment process. The first step in the process is listening to God and to each other. Be on the lookout for an invitation to sign up for one of our Vision Focus Groups. These small groups of 15-20 people will be invited to invest 75 minutes together in answering 5 questions about our church. The thoughts, insights, and hopes that you share in these groups will be an important part of the vision discernment process, so we want every person who attends LWC to participate. Sign-ups for the Vision Focus Groups will be available beginning in August. Let’s be prayerful as we seek God’s direction for LWC!
Prayer Meeting -  Next Tuesday, July 14th we will meet in person outside doors C and D, by the three crosses for prayer meeting at 6:00 PM. It will also still be broadcasted live for those who are uncomfortable or unable to attend in person.
Mission Marion -  Please keep our teens (and all involved) in your prayers next week as they embark on a mission “trip” right here in our community of Marion, led by Pastor Jessica and two other local pastors. This event, called Mission Marion, starts Sunday July 12 and goes through the week next week.  

Baby Bottle Fundraiser -  Starting this Sunday we will be participating in a Baby Bottle Fundraiser for the Pregnancy Help Center that is located in Marion. We would love to have each family take a bottle home for a month and fill the bottle with spare change, dollars, or whatever you feel led to give to this amazing organization!  
Pray for LCS and Local Schools -  Remember to pray for our own school as Justin Simos has taken on the role of School Administrator after Dr. Brian Crouse’s departure. He will need our prayers and support as he and his team navigate the start of school with COVID-19 and keeping all safety measures in mind. We are excited to welcome Principal Simos into this role, as we have come to know and love him as the K-6th grade principal for the past three years. Let’s also lift up the area school administration teams and teachers as they prepare to begin the new school year in the midst of the pandemic.

In-person and Online Church
 – We would like to remind you that you are more than welcome to participate in-person on Sundays or from the comfort of your home if you choose. Services will continue to be live-streamed here. If you choose to worship in person, note that it will be a family-style service (no children’s ministry) and we ask that if you have a fever or are not feeling well to please stay home. For more details on our safety plan, click here.