7/1/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, the last in a series called “What Kind of Church,” titled “A Multiplying Community,” you can watch it here.
Focus Groups -  Be on the lookout for more information in the coming weeks on Focus Groups! We are hoping to have every person who attends LWC in a Focus Group, where they will contribute to creating a vision for our church. Sign ups will be coming out in August for a fall kick off for these groups that will each meet one time.

In-person and Online Church – LWC is excited to have its doors open again! We wanted to remind you that you are more than welcome to participate in-person on Sundays or from the comfort of your home if you choose. Services will continue to be live-streamed here. If you choose to worship in person, note that it will be a family-style service (no children’s ministry) and we ask that if you have a fever or are not feeling well to please stay home. For more details on our safety plan, click here.

LWC Appointed Leaders –   Due to the cancellation of our Local Church Conference, the Local Board of Administration was empowered to appoint individuals to fill elected leadership vacancies in our church. Click here to see the updated list of appointed lay leaders in the church.

Pastoral Care Needs – If you need to get in touch with a pastor or have an immediate prayer need that you would like to specifically share with a pastor, please call (765) 251-8824 or email care@lakeviewwesleyan.org.