3/31/21 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “Not So Among You,” as part of our Lent sermon series, ‘Joy in the Journey,’  you can watch it here.

EGGStravagant Journey and Holy Week  -   We hope you are planning to attend the EGGStravagant Journey this Saturday from 10-2PM for a fun, family friendly event that will take you on a journey (including traveling to a few places around town) to see how many Easter eggs you can find, all while hearing the true meaning of the Easter story! This event begins and ends in the church parking lot.
We still need candy! Donations can be dropped off at the church office during business hours this week.
We are also holding a Good Friday service which will take place at the church at 6PM this Friday. Livestream for this service will be accessible from our website and Facebook page. 

Family Service Sunday - This Sunday will be a Family Service and there will not be separate children’s programming. Nursery care will be available for infants and toddlers and Kids Kits will be available at the Children’s Check-in. 

Midweek Programming Starting -  Next week, Wednesday, April 7, midweek programs will be starting back up, including Kidz St. for Pre-K – 5th grade, The Gathering youth group, and an adult class on the Apostle’s Creed (open to any adult) from 6-7PM.

Global Engagement -  April 12-18 is Global Engagement week at Lakeview. Join us on Saturday April 17 from 2-3:30PM at the church for a chance to hear from and celebrate some of our missionaries. This special event will have separate areas an activities offered for both adults and kids. Also stay tuned for more details on activities you can do at home during the week.


LCS Fundraiser - Mark your calendar for Thursday April 8 for lunch and dinner at Panda Express for a fundraiser for the school!