3/24/21 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “The Cost of Discipleship,” as part of our Lent sermon series, ‘Journey to the Cross,’  you can watch it here.

Office Hours Next Week - Our church office is operating on reduced office hours and will be open from 9-noon this week (and closed on Friday as normal) due to staff being away for Spring Break.

EGGStravagant Journey and Holy Week  -   April 3 is quickly approaching! Spread the word and we hope you plan to attend from 10-2PM for a fun, family friendly event that will take you on a journey (including traveling to a few places around town) to see how many Easter eggs you can find, all while hearing the true meaning of the Easter story! Our EGGStravagant Journey will start in the church parking lot.
We still need a lot of candy for this event! Candy can be dropped off at the Children’s Check-in and the church office during business hours.
Also during Holy Week, on April 2 at 6PM, we will host a Good Friday Service and we hope you are planning to join us on Sunday for a special Easter worship celebration at 10:30AM!

Communion This Sunday - For those watching services online from home, if you would like to participate in Communion with us, plan to have bread or crackers and grape juice ready when we present the elements during the worship service.

30 Pieces of Silver -  Money going towards this special offering is due at church this Sunday! Join with us to turn the price of betrayal into an offering of love. 

Baptism -  If you are interested in being baptized on Easter Sunday, you can sign up by texting “baptism” to 765-222-5937 and filling out the form that is then sent. There will be a baptism class on Sunday March 28 immediately following service in the pastoral conference room.

Global Engagement - Mark your calendars for the week of April 12-18 as we will have special opportunities for you and your family to engage with our missionary partners serving around the world!