6/22/22 Newsflash

Last Week's Message - If you missed Pastor Jared's message, Follow My Plan, you can watch it here. Click here to listen to songs you've heard at our Worship Services.

Vacation Bible School - Join us Sunday during worship as our VBS kids share some of their songs and scripture they have learned this week! Then join us after the service for our VBS Closing Party with a free lunch, ice cream, face painting, an inflatable obstacle course, and, as a special treat, watch either Pastor Jared or Miss April get slimed!

Make a Difference around the World! If you're interested in more information on a Missions Trip to Mexico in January 2023, reach out to Cindy Burchell at cindyburchell@hotmail.com.

Personal Calling Workshop - You are God’s work of art. His masterpiece. The way He made you offers clues that will help you discover your personal calling.  Sign up here to express your interest in attending  the next workshop series in 2022.