1/19/22 Newsflash

Last Week's Message - If you missed Pastor Chris' message, Unwavering Integrity, you can watch it here. Click here to listen to songs you've heard at our Worship Services.

21 Days of Prayer - Join us as we ramp up our spiritual intensity this year! The Sanctuary is open Monday through Friday from 6:30-7:30 AM. Saturday Prayer Services will be at 8 AM on January 22 & 29. Daily prayer prompt videos will be posted on Facebook and our website Monday through Friday.

Wednesday Night Programming starts back up tonight! Kidz St for Pre K through 5th grade is from 6-7:30 PM (Doors C & D). Student Small Groups for 6th through 12th grade is from 6-7:30 PM (Door A). Choir Practice is from 6:30-8 PM (Doors C &D).

Feed the Street donations are due January 23. Click here for the menu.

Dream Team Orientation Class - If you are currently serving at Lakeview or would like to start serving, please plan to attend a class on February 6 immediately following the service.

Small Groups start the week of January 30. Check out group options here.

Mission Trip - A team is headed to Michigan to serve with Global Partner's Dearborn Project April 7-11. Visit here to let us know if you're interested in more information.