10/27/21 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon - If you missed Pastor Chris' sermon, Finding Freedom, in our series The Road to Freedom, you can watch it here. If you plan on joining us online this coming Sunday, take some time this week to prepare elements to participate in Communion.

Trunk or Treat is this Saturday, October 30. We would love for you and your family to come out for some candy and fun from 5-8 PM! You can still bring candy to the office through the rest of the week.

Pastor Appreciation Month - Boxes are located in the lobby to show some love to our pastors this final Sunday in October. This week, get to know our remarkable Lead Pastor, Chris Williams here.

Dream Team Orientation Class - Want to know how you can get plugged in to serve here at Lakeview? Plan on joining us after the Worship Service on November 7 to find out your next step.

Operation Christmas Child Boxes are due November 14 and we would like to challenge you to put a box together! In combination with Lakeview Christian School, we have a goal of 250 boxes! We will be helping LCS students pack their boxes on November 12. Boxes will be available on Sunday in the lobby.