8/25/21 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon - If you missed last Sunday's sermon that Pastor Jared shared as we continue with 21 Days of Prayer, you can watch it here. Click here to listen to songs we have been singing during our Worship Services.

21 Days of Prayer - Don't miss out on the last couple days to join us at 6:30 AM in the Sanctuary for prayer. Prayer focus videos will be posted here and on Facebook at 7 AM tomorrow and Friday. On Saturday, August 28, join us at The River at 8 AM as we join together to worship and pray corporately.

Women's Ministry Flourish Study - Come check out what this study is all about tomorrow night at 6:30 PM. Enter through Door A.

Feed the Street - Donations for distribution are due by August 29 and can be dropped off at the Welcome Center on Sundays or at the church office during the week. Access the menu here.

Church at the Y - We are taking church to the YMCA! Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 19 as we move our Worship Service to the Y that day. To serve and connect with our community that day, we need YOUR help! If you want to serve, text "YMCA" to 765-222-5937.