8/4/21 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon - If you missed last Sunday's sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled "Psalm 133", as part of our sermon series, 'Songs of Jesus', you can watch it here. Click here to access a playlist of recent worship songs that we have sung at Lakeview.

Local Church Conference - The Local Board of Administration, in session on July 20, 2021, called for a special session of the Local Church Conference to consider proposals related to current maintenance needs in our church facility that require approval from the membership of the church. This special Local Church Conference will be held on Sunday, August 8 immediately following the morning worship service. Thanks in advance for attending this important meeting.

21 Days of Prayer - On Sunday, we start 21 Days of Prayer during our Worship Service. During this season of prayer, Lakeview's Sanctuary will be open Monday through Friday at 6:30 AM if you would like to pray at the church. Prayer focus videos will be posted here and on Facebook at 7 AM Monday through Friday. On Saturday, August 14, join us at Lakeview at 8 AM as we join with The River and Brookhaven to pray corporately.

Women's Ministry Kickoff Event - Join with other women at the Season Premiere: Created to Flourish on August 19 from 6:30-7:30 PM. RSVP at 765-664-8359 or zhagy@indy.rr.com.