2/10/21 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, as part of the sermon series ‘By Faith,’ titled, “Moses,” you can watch it here.

Communion This Sunday  -  We will celebrate Communion this Sunday at the in-person service. For those joining in online, we encourage you to gather elements such as bread or crackers and grape juice and have them ready to take part of during our worship service if you would like to join in on the sacrament of Communion.

Ash Wednesday Service  -  We will hold an Ash Wednesday service at the church at noon on Feb. 17th. Enter through Door C and D. For those who are unable to attend in person, we will have an online liturgy that will be available. Also, watch for more information coming out on interactive experiences that you can participate in during the Lent season!


Membership Reaffirmation Forms -  Current members, in order to maintain membership, you must fill out a reaffirmation form, either online by clicking here, or you can get a physical copy from the Welcome Center. Forms are due Monday, Feb. 15th. Questions can be directed to Pastor Jared at jwebb@lakeviewwesleyan.org

Dream Team  -  There’s still time to sign up for the Dream Team Launch that is scheduled for Feb. 21st at 6 PM! Text “dream” to (765) 222-5937 if you have not already. If you have any questions about it, you can email kwebb@lakeviewwesleyan.org

Walk a Mile Fundraiser  -  Click here to find out more about how you can get involved with our partner ministry, Grant County Rescue Mission, as they embark on their annual Walk a Mile fundraiser to raise money and awareness for the homeless population in Grant County.

Help with Snow Removal -  We are in need of able bodied people to help clear the parking lot and walkways for services after snowfalls. If you are able to help with snow removal, please contact Head Trustee Gregg Holloway at gholloway@taylor.edu or (765) 669-2483.