12/23/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon - If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, as part of our Advent Series “Dwell”, titled, “God With Us” you can watch it here.

Christmas Eve Service - In an effort to help your family have a Christ-centered, meaningful, and safe holiday, we have redesigned our Christmas Eve Service so you can experience it completely at home. Instead of gathering at the church for an in-person service, we have prepared Christmas Eve Kits and an online worship service so you can have your own Christmas Eve service with your family, friends, and loved ones. You can pick up your kit at the Welcome Center on Sunday or any time starting Sunday after church in the entry-way at door C and D, where the outside doors will be unlocked and kits will be on a table. Please take one per family. More details can be found here.

Communion this Sunday - We will celebrate Communion this Sunday at the in-person service. For those joining in online, we encourage you to gather elements such as bread or crackers and grape juice and have them ready to take part of during our worship service if you would like to join in on the sacrament of Communion.

Family Worship Service This Sunday - This Sunday will be a Family Worship Sunday and we will not have separate children’s programming. The nursery will not be open. However, we will have Kids Kits available at the Children’s Check-In for any children who will be sitting in the service.

Final Offering of 2020 - All final financial gifts and tithes to the church must be post marked or dropped off to the church (mail slot is on the lower right at the church office entrance) by December 31 to go on the 2020 giving statement. Thank you for your faithful and continued giving!

Church Office Closed - The church office will be closed starting Thursday, Dec. 24th at noon and will not reopen until January 4th, 2021.

Video from our Missionary - Check out this video from our missionary partner Kerry Pickard, who is serving in Russia.