05/31/23 Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Chris' message, "The Strategy of an Everyday Church", in our Everyday Church Series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Summer Small Groups begin meeting June 4!  There are a variety of options! To find one you like, click here.

As we transition to One Fund starting June 1, all funds given will be used to support all of the ministries of our church. Remember to adjust your online giving if you've previously designated gifts. Call the Church Office if you need assistance.

STELLAR Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 18-22 from 6-8:30 PM. To register kids (potty trained 3-year-olds and up through 5th grade), click here. Dream Teamers who wish to serve during VBS, sign up here.

Summer Small Groups begin meeting June 4! There are a variety of options! To find one you like and join it, click here.

05/24/23 Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Chris' message, "The Mission of an Everyday Church", in our Everyday Church Series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

As we transition to One Fund starting June 1, all funds given will be used to support all of the ministries of our church. Remember to adjust your online giving if you've previously designated gifts. Call the Church Office if you need assistance.

Preparation Day for STELLAR Vacation Bible School will be on May 27 from 1-4 PM (Door B). If you are unable to attend, contact April Raver, our Children's Director, and she will get you everything you need to work on decorations at home. Dream Teamers are also needed to help the week of VBS (June 18-22 from 6-8:30 PM). To serve during VBS, sign up here.

Summer Small Groups begin meeting June 4! There are a variety of options! To find one you like and join it, click here.

05/17/23 Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Chris' message, "The Values of an Everyday Church", in our Everyday Church Series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Our Local Church Conference is Sunday May 21. The worship service will begin at 10 AM and the conference will begin at 11 AM. All members are strongly encouraged to attend. Childcare provided. Access the LCC packet here.

As we transition to One Fund starting June 1, all funds given will be used to support all of the ministries of our church. Remember to adjust your online giving if you've previously designated gifts. If you have more questions, plan to attend the Local Church Conference after the Worship Service this Sunday to hear more.

Preparation Day for STELLAR Vacation Bible School will be on May 27 from 1-4 PM (Door B). If you are unable to attend, contact April Raver, our Children's Director, and she will get you everything you need to work on decorations at home. Dream Teamers are also needed to help the week of VBS (June 18-22 from 6-8:30 PM). To serve during VBS, sign up here.

05/10/23 Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Chris' message, "The Mission of an Everyday Church", in our Everyday Church Series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Breathe: a personal time of prayer for women is on May 12 from 7-8:30 PM.  Doors C & D will open at 6:45 PM. Come be a part of our concert of prayer as we pray through music, scripture, and personal prayer for the needs of families, our community, our nation, and the world. Childcare provided.

Want to sing in the choir? Join us for rehearsal May 18 from 6:30 - 8 PM to prepare for the worship service on May 21. 

Local Church Conference is Sunday May 21. The worship service will begin at 10 AM and the conference will begin at 11 AM. All members are strongly encouraged to attend. Childcare provided. Access the LCC packet here.

05/03/23 Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Jared's message, "From Bondage to Freedom", in our Fear to Love series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Breathe: a personal time of prayer for women is on May 12 from 7-8:30 PM.  Doors C & D will open at 6:45 PM. Come be a part of our concert of prayer as we pray through music, scripture, and personal prayer for the needs of families, our community, our nation, and the world. Childcare provided.

Want to sing in the choir? Join us for rehearsal May 18 from 6:30 - 8 PM to prepare for the worship service on May 21. 

Local Church Conference is Sunday May 21. The worship service will begin at 10 AM and the conference will begin at 11 AM. All members are strongly encouraged to attend. Childcare provided.

04/26/23 Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Jared's message, "From Scared to Loved", in our Fear to Love series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here

Come to our last Wednesdays @ Lakeview tonight from 6-7:30 PM.  Meal begins at 5 PM for $5 per person. Menu is baked spaghetti, green beans, garlic bread, salad bar, chili and dessert. This is the last session for Spring Small Groups, but Summer Small Groups begin in June. Wednesdays @ Lakeview will return in the Fall.

Feed the Street deadline is April 30. Click here to see the menu. 

Breathe: a personal time of prayer for women is on May 12 from 7-8:30 PM.  Doors C & D will open at 6:45 PM.  Come be a part of our concert of prayer as we pray through music, scripture, and personal prayer for the needs of families, community, our nation, and the world. Childcare provided.

Local Church Conference is Sunday May 21. The worship service will begin at 10 AM and the conference will begin at 11 AM. All members are strongly encouraged to attend. Childcare provided.

04/19/23 Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Chris' message, "Jesus is...Lord", in our Jesus is... series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Want to sing in the choir? Choir practice for the April 23 Worship Service is on April 20 from 6:30-8 PM. 

Wednesdays @ Lakeview - Join us for a meal at 5 PM for $5 each. The menu is chicken enchiladas, rice, tortilla chips, salsa, potato soup and dessert. Small Groups run from 6 - 7:30 PM.

Feed the Street deadline is April 30. Click here to see items needed. Thank you for your contributions, time, and efforts for this ministry!

04/12/23 Newsflash

Lakeview Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Chris' message, "Jesus is...Savior", in our Jesus is... series, you can watch here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Want to sing in the choir? Choir practice for the April 23 Worship Service is on April 20 from 6:30-8 PM. The practice originally scheduled for April 13 has been cancelled.

Wednesdays @ Lakeview - Join us for a meal at 5 PM for $5 each.  Menu is meatball subs, chips, macaroni salad, broccoli soup and dessert. Small Groups run from 6 - 7:30 PM.

Lakeview Christian School is having their Kindergarten Round-Up 2023 on April 13 & 14. Call the school office at 765- 566-4266 for more information or to schedule your time slot.

WHAT'S ON YOUR PLATE? A Women's Ministry event on April 21 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM. Bring a salad and a recipe to share. Childcare provided. Register here by April 17.

04/05/23 Newsflash

Lakeview Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Chris' message, "Jesus is...Humble", in our Jesus is... series, you can watch here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Wednesdays @ Lakeview - Join us for a meal at 5 PM for $5 each.  Menu is pulled pork, potato salad, corn, salad bar, chicken noodle soup and dessert. Small groups from 6 - 7:30 PM. If we need to cancel for inclement weather, we will send an email through this medium.

Easter Weekend Events:
Good Friday Service - April 7 at 6 PM in the FLC. Enter through Door A
The Great EGGscape - April 8 from 1-3:30 PM
Easter Worship Service - April 9 at 10:30 AM. Classes are available for children birth - 5th grade.

Lakeview Christian School is having their Kindergarten Round-Up 2023 on April 13 & 14. Call the school office at 765- 566-4266 for more information or to schedule your time slot.

WHAT'S ON YOUR PLATE? A Women's Ministry event on April 21 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM. Bring a salad and the recipe to share. Childcare provided. Register here by April 17.

03/29/23 Newsflash

Lakeview Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Jared's message, "Too Selfish", in our Loving Otherly series, you can watch here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

There is no Wednesdays @ Lakeview tonight! No small groups are meeting at the church and there is no meal. Enjoy a little spring break.

LCS Easter Eggs are $3 each in the church lobby Sunday! These large chocolate eggs are available in the following flavors: Peanut Butter, Chocolate Fudge, Butter Cream, Chocolate Chip Cookie, White Party Egg, Maple, and Dark Chocolate Mocha.

Spring Cleaning Day is April 1 starting at 9 AM. We need able people to help with spring cleaning the church grounds. Email Pastor Christian at ckelley@lakeviewwesleyan.org if you are willing to help.

Easter Weekend Events: Good Friday Service - April 7 at 6 PM. The Great EGGscape - April 8 from 1-3:30 PM. Easter Worship Service - April 9 at 10:30 AM.

03/22/23 Newsflash

Lakeview Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Jessica's message, "Too Busy", in our Loving Otherly series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here

Wednesdays @ Lakeview is tonight! Come join us for a meal at 5 PM and Small Groups at 6 PM. The menu for tonight is chicken salad & ham salad on croissants, pasta salad, and fruit salad, potato soup, salad bar, and dessert. To join a Small Group, click here.

LCS Easter Egg Fundraiser - Pre-order anytime by calling the school office at 765-677-4266 or use the form on their website. These large chocolate eggs are available in the following flavors: Peanut Butter, Chocolate Fudge, Butter Cream, Chocolate Chip Cookie, White Party Egg, Maple, and Dark Chocolate Mocha. Eggs are $3 each and available for pickup on the afternoon of March 24. 

Spring Cleaning Day is April 1 starting at 9 AM. We need able people to help with spring cleaning the church grounds. Email Pastor Christian at ckelley@lakeviewwesleyan.org if you are willing to help.

03/15/23 Newsflash

Lakeview Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Jared's message, "Too Holy", in our Loving Otherly series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Wednesdays @ Lakeview is tonight! Come join us for a meal at 5 PM and Small Groups at 6 PM. The menu for tonight is walking tacos with all the toppings, celery, chili and dessert. To join a Small Group, click here.

LCS Easter Egg Fundraiser - Pre-order anytime by calling the school office at 765-677-4266 or use the form on their website. These large chocolate eggs are available in the following flavors: Peanut Butter, Chocolate Fudge, Butter Cream, Chocolate Chip Cookie, White Party Egg, Maple, and Dark Chocolate Mocha. Eggs are $3 each and available for pickup on the afternoon of March 24. 

Spring Cleaning Day is April 1, 9 AM. We need able people to help with spring cleaning the church grounds. Email Pastor Christian at ckelley@lakeviewwesleyan.org if you are willing to help.

03/08/23 Newsflash

Lakeview Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Jessica's message, "Imitating Love", in our Loving Otherly series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs heard during the service, click here.

Wednesdays @ Lakeview is tonight! Groups for all ages will take place from 6-7:30 PM. Join us for a meal every Wednesday any time from 5-5:45 PM for $5 per person. Tonight's menu is hamburgers & chicken patty, mac & cheese, chips, carrot sticks, broccoli soup, salad bar, and dessert. Kids in Pre K through 5th grade will be meeting at Idyl Wyld Roller Rink for a party tonight from 5:45 - 7:45 PM.

Want to sing in the Choir? Rehearsal is March 16 from 6:30 - 8 pm to prepare for the worship service March 19.

Spring Cleaning Day is April 1, 9 AM - 3 PM. We need able people to help with spring cleaning the church grounds. Email Pastor Christian if you are willing to help.

Lakeview Christian School Easter Egg fundraiser is coming up You can pre-order by calling the school office at 765 677-4266 or by using the form on their website (www.lakeviewchristian.net). These school-made candy Eggs come in different flavors and will be available for pickup on March 24. Eggs are $3.00 each.

Easter Events: Good Friday Service - April 7 at 6 PM; The Great EGGscape - April 8 from 1 - 3:30 PM; and Easter Worship Service - April 9 at 10:30 AM.

03/01/23 Newsflash

Lakeview Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Chris' message, "It's All About Relationship", you can watch it here. To listen to songs heard during the service, click here.

Wednesdays @ Lakeview is tonight! Groups for all ages will take place from 6-7:30 PM. Join us for a meal every Wednesday any time from 5-5:45 PM for $5 per person. Menu for March 1: chicken & noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls Soup: tomato and dessert. To sign up for a Small Group, click here.

Snow Removal - If you are interested in being part of our On-Call Snow Team or have a plow truck, contact Pastor Christian at ckelley@lakeviewwesleyan.org.

02/22/23 Newsflash

Lakeview Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Chris' message, "Embodied", you can watch it here. To listen to songs heard during the service, click here.

Wednesdays @ Lakeview is tonight! Groups for all ages will take place from 6-7:30 PM. Join us for a meal every Wednesday any time from 5-5:45 PM for $5 per person. Menu for February 22: Pulled Pork, Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Potato Soup and dessert. To sign up for a Small Group, click here.

February Message Series - Parents/Guardians - If you plan to keep your kids & teens in the Worship Service this month, be aware that the messages may receive a PG-13 rating. For more information, reach out to Kayla at kwebb@lakeveiwwesleyan.org.

Snow Removal - If you are interested in being part of our On-Call Snow Team or have a plow truck, contact Pastor Christian at ckelley@lakeviewwesleyan.org.

Feed the Street contribution deadline is February 26. To view a menu of items needed, click here. Thank you for your gifts and time delivering the food to our Feed the Street families.

02/15/23 Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Chris' message, "Signposts", you can watch it here. To listen to songs heard during the service, click here.

Wednesdays @ Lakeview is tonight! Groups for all ages will take place from 6-7:30 PM. Join us for a meal every Wednesday any time from 5-5:45 PM for $5 per person. Menu for February 15: Tacos & chips, queso, chili & dessert. To sign up for a Small Group on other days of the week, click here.

Next Steps - Baptism, Child Dedication, and Membership - Have you wondered if baptism or membership is right for you? Baptisms, child dedications, and membership induction are scheduled for March! Sign up here to get on the list!

February Message Series - Parents/Guardians - If you plan to keep your kids & teens in the Worship Service this month, be aware that the messages may receive a PG-13 rating. For more information, reach out to Kayla at kwebb@lakeveiwwesleyan.org.

Snow Removal - If you are interested in being part of our On-Call Snow Team or have a plow truck, contact Pastor Christian at ckelley@lakeviewwesleyan.org.

Like to sing in the choir? Choir rehearsals are February 16 & 23 from 6:30 to 8 PM, to prepare for the worship service on February 26, 2023.

02/08/23 Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Chris' message, "In the Beginning", you can watch it here. To listen to songs heard during the service, click here.

Wednesdays @ Lakeview is tonight! Groups for all ages will take place from 6-7:30 PM. Join us for a meal every Wednesday any time from 5-5:45 PM for $5 per person. Menu for February 8: Spaghetti & Fettuccini, garlic bread, side salad, chicken noodle soup and dessert. To sign up for a Small Group on other days of the week, click here.

Next Steps - Baptism, Child Dedication, and Membership - Have you wondered if baptism or membership is right for you? Baptisms, child dedications, and membership induction are scheduled for March! Sign up here to get on the list!

February Message Series - Parents/Guardians - If you plan to keep your kids & teens in the Worship Service this month, be aware that the messages may receive a PG-13 rating. For more information, reach out to Kayla at kwebb@lakeveiwwesleyan.org.

Snow Removal - If you are interested in being part of our On-Call Snow Team or have a plow truck, contact Pastor Christian at ckelley@lakeviewwesleyan.org.

Like to sing in the choir? Choir rehearsal is February 16 and 23 from 6:30 to 8 PM, for the worship service on February 26, 2023.

02/01/23 Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Jared's message, "Building a Prayer-Filled Life", you can watch it here. To listen to songs heard during the service, click here.

Next Steps - Baptism, Child Dedication, and Membership - Have you wondered if baptism or membership is right for you? Baptisms, child dedications, and membership induction are scheduled for March! Sign up here to get on the list!

Spring small groups have begun! We have groups for all ages. Many small groups meet on Wednesdays @ Lakeview from 6-7:30 PM. Others meet at various times throughout the week. To sign up for a small group click here

Snow Removal - If you are interested in being part of our On-Call Snow Team or have a plow truck, contact Pastor Christian at ckelley@lakeviewwesleyan.org.

Wednesdays @ Lakeview kicks off again tonight! Groups for all ages will take place from 6-7:30 PM. If you haven't signed up for an Adult Small Group yet, click here. Join us for a meal every Wednesday any time from 5-5:45 PM for $5 per person. We've added a Soup and Salad Bar to the menu every week! Menu for February 1: chicken & noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, and broccoli & cheddar soup. If you find it hard to remember to bring cash each week, you can buy a Punch Card with 10 meals for $50 tonight.

Like to sing in the choir? Choir rehearsal is February 16 and 23 from 6:30 to 8 PM, for worship service February 26, 2023.

01/25/23 Newsflash

Come and pray with us for the last 4 days of 21 Days of Prayer! Our Sanctuary will be open for prayer from 6:30-7:30 AM, Monday through Friday. Saturday Prayer Services will be from 8-9 AM. Pick up a Pray First book by Chris Hodges to guide you in your prayer life this year.

If you missed Pastor Chris' message, "The Prayer of Jabez", you can watch it here. To listen to songs heard during the service, click here.

 Spring small groups begin January 29! We have groups for all ages. Many small groups meet on Wednesdays @ Lakeview from 6-7:30 PM. Others meet at various times throughout the week. To sign up for a small group click here

Snow Removal - If you are interested in being part of our On-Call Snow Team or have a plow truck, contact Pastor Christian at ckelley@lakeviewwesleyan.org.

Wednesdays @ Lakeview kicks off again on Wednesday, February 1! Groups for all ages will take place from 6-7:30 PM. If you haven't signed up for an Adult Small Group yet, click here. Join us for a meal every Wednesday any time from 5-5:45 PM for $5 per person. We've added a Soup and Salad Bar to the menu every week! Menu for February 1: chicken & noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, and broccoli & cheddar soup. If you find it hard to remember to bring cash each week, you can buy a Punch Card with 10 meals for $50 on February 1.  

01/18/23 Newsflash

Come and pray with us for 21 Days of Prayer! Our Sanctuary will be open for prayer from 6:30-7:30 AM, Monday through Friday. Saturday Prayer Services will be from 8-9 AM. Plan to bring $5 this Sunday to purchase a Pray First book by Chris Hodges to guide you in your prayer life this year.

If you missed Pastor Chris' message, "The Tabernacle Prayer", you can watch it here. To listen to songs heard during the service, click here.

 Learn more about Wellsprings of Freedom and how you can be a part of Wellsprings at Lakeview by attending an orientation event this Sunday in the Fireside Room after the morning worship service.

Feed the Street deadline is Sunday! To see January items needed, click here.

Spring small groups start January 29!  Small groups are one way for us to follow Jesus in community. To sign up for your group today, click here

Snow Removal - If you are interested in being part of our On-Call Snow Team or have a plow truck, contact Pastor Christian at ckelley@lakeviewwesleyan.org.