Lakeview Wesleyan Church - Marion, Indiana

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05/17/23 Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Chris' message, "The Values of an Everyday Church", in our Everyday Church Series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Our Local Church Conference is Sunday May 21. The worship service will begin at 10 AM and the conference will begin at 11 AM. All members are strongly encouraged to attend. Childcare provided. Access the LCC packet here.

As we transition to One Fund starting June 1, all funds given will be used to support all of the ministries of our church. Remember to adjust your online giving if you've previously designated gifts. If you have more questions, plan to attend the Local Church Conference after the Worship Service this Sunday to hear more.

Preparation Day for STELLAR Vacation Bible School will be on May 27 from 1-4 PM (Door B). If you are unable to attend, contact April Raver, our Children's Director, and she will get you everything you need to work on decorations at home. Dream Teamers are also needed to help the week of VBS (June 18-22 from 6-8:30 PM). To serve during VBS, sign up here.