Lakeview Wesleyan Church - Marion, Indiana

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Lakeview Newsflash - October 2023

Lakeview Newsflash

If you've missed a sermon, you can watch any previous sermons here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

To find out What's Happening at Lakeview, visit The Hub at today.

Wednesdays @ Lakeview! Looking for a convenient meal and small groups for each member of the family? Be sure to check out our midweek groups that take place during our "Wednesdays @ Lakeview". We have a $5 meal from 5-5:45 PM and adult, youth, and children's groups that begin at 6 PM.

Feed the Street bag packing help is needed on October 4 from 1-3 PM. The deadline for food donations is Sunday, October 1. Contact April Raver at to help with this ministry.

Mark your calendars for our last message in The GO Initiative series titled "GO Now".  You won't want to miss this Commitment Sunday on October 8 at 10:30 AM.

Is your Next Step Baptism? To learn more about baptism and to sign up for the baptism class on October 8, go to The Hub.  Our next Baptism Sunday is on October 15.

Senior Adult Ministries (SAMS) is hosting its monthly brunch on October 12 from 10 AM - 12 PM. Enter through Door C. Cost is $5 per person. Guest speakers are from Needham-Storey- Wampner Funeral and Cremation Service and Grant Memorial Park to share their "Circle of Care" that they provide to support people in the community as they lose a loved one. Go to The Hub by October 10 to sign up.

Fall Work Day - On Saturday, October 21 from 9 AM to 3 PM, we will be hosting a Fall Work Day to tidy up the interior and exterior of our campus.  Breakfast and lunch will be provided to those who email Pastor Christian that they are coming.  With Trunk or Treat happening the following weekend, we want to get our campus looking as good as we can for the thousands of guests that will be on our campus! If you are able-bodied and interested in helping with projects like raking, picking up sticks, touching up paint, cleaning carpets, etc., please email, text, or call pastor Christian ( and let him know that you would like to help!

We need your help with Trunk or Treat on October 28, from 5-8 PM. Go to The Hub to sign up to help.  Don't forget to bring your kids, grandkids and neighbors on the 28th to experience Trunk or Treat! 

Need to talk to a pastor? Call our pastoral care line at 765-251-8824.