Lakeview Wesleyan Church - Marion, Indiana

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6/2/21 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon - If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “The Heart of it All,” as part of our sermon series, ‘Church of the Future,’  you can watch it here. Click here to access a playlist of recent worship songs that we have sung at Lakeview.

Free Items Available - As we redesign our prayer room to reflect our new vision, and clean out other spaces of our building, we have collected several items that are being given away for free. Stop by the tables near Door A and take the things that would be useful or meaningful for you. Tables will be up after service today and during office hours until Sunday, June 13. Door A will be unlocked during normal office hours during the week. All items remaining after June 13 will be donated to our ministry partner, Grant County Rescue Mission.

Baby Bottles - Support our local ministry partner, the Pregnancy Help Center, by collecting spare change and monetary donations in a baby bottle! Pregnancy Help Center provides aide and resources to women and mothers in our community. Bottles can be picked up at the Welcome Center or in the church office and will be collected on Father’s Day (June 20).

Vacation Bible School - Join us at Mystery Island as we track down the One True God! VBS will run from Sunday, June 20 – Thursday, June 24 from 6-8:30PM each night. All current Pre K through 5th Graders are welcome to attend! We still need many Dream Teamers to make this week possible, so if you are interested in helping, please contact Kayla Webb or text "vbs" to (765) 222-5937.

Debra Corn - One of the top needs that our county has is for foster care providers. Debra Corn is a licensed child placing agency that works with children and foster families locally. If you have ever considered becoming a foster parent or want to learn more about it, Debra Corn will be hosting an informational meeting right after church next Sunday, June 13, in the Youth Room.


LCS Open Enrollment - Lakeview Christian School is still offering open enrollment for any child K-8th grade. Click here or call the school office at (765) 677-4266 to find out more.