Lakeview Wesleyan Church - Marion, Indiana

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6/16/21 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon - If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “Psalm 51,” as part of our sermon series, ‘Songs of Jesus,’  you can watch it here. Click here to access a playlist of recent worship songs that we have sung at Lakeview.

Vacation Bible School - Join us at Mystery Island as we track down the One True God! VBS will kick off this Sunday, June 20  and go until Thursday, June 24 from 6-8:30PM each night. All current Pre K through 5th Graders are welcome to attend! You can pre-register your child for VBS here and save time checking in on the first night!
We still need Dream Teamers to make this week possible!  If you are able to help, please contact Kayla Webb at or text "vbs" to (765) 222-5937.

Baby Bottles - Baby Bottles (filled with change/monetary donations) for the Pregnancy Help Center are due back by this Sunday, June 20. You can bring them to the Welcome Center or drop them off in the church office during office hours this week.

Summer Celebration - We will be holding a Summer Celebration after church on Sunday June 27 to celebrate the closing of Vacation Bible School and also to congratulate our two new ordinands in the Wesleyan Church: pastors Jessica Folz and Christian Kelley. There will be food, ice cream, a bouncy obstacle course, lawn games, and more! The ordination service will be held at the chapel auditorium at IWU at 7PM on Friday, June 25. We hope you can come and support and celebrate our pastors being ordained at the service, and the celebration that will be held at the church Sunday!

Dream Team Orientation - If you are interested in serving in any capacity at Lakeview and have not yet attended a Dream Team Orientation, text “dream” to (765) 222-5937 to sign up to attend the next orientation that will take place on July 11 right after church in the Youth Room.