Lakeview Wesleyan Church - Marion, Indiana

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12/8/21 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon - If you missed Pastor Jessica's message, The Ultimate Unobtainable, in our series Heavenly Peace, you can watch it here. Click here to listen to songs you've heard at our Worship Services.

Advent Prayer Odyssey - Join us on December 17, 18, & 19 from 3-7 PM for a self-guided 20-30 minute prayer walk that points us towards the Savior that was born to save us!

Feed the Street - For the month of December, we are asking for donations to "Restock the shelves!" We are looking for any and all non-perishable goods. Visit here for some suggestions of needed items.

Lakeview Lion Discount Cards are available by contacting the school office at 765-677-4266 or an LCS student. Cards are 1 for $15 or 2 for $25. Click here to see card.

Snow Removal Help - As we approach the winter season, our facilities team is looking for able bodied men and women willing to help with regular snow removal. If you are interested in helping plow our parking lot, shovel sidewalks, or spread salt, please email Pastor Christian at or contact the church office 765-674-7715 to be in the know for when our team will be out moving snow! We need all the help we can get!

Year End Giving - Thank you for the way you have given to the ministries here at Lakeview this year. Remember, in order for giving to count for the 2021 tax season, it must be postmarked or given online no later than December 31, 2021.