Lakeview Wesleyan Church - Marion, Indiana

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9/30/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “Missional Faith”  you can watch it here.
Membership -  As Lakeview enters into an exciting new season of vision discernment, there’s no better time than now to become a member at Lakeview! Membership classes will run Sundays from 9-10 AM, Oct. 4-18th. Both in-person and online options are available. To sign up or to find out more information on membership, click here. The deadline to sign up for the membership classes is today! 
Global Engagement Sunday  - This Sunday we will be celebrating World Communion and looking at ways our church  can continue to be involved in our local community and around the world. This is a Sunday that you will not want to miss! Note that this will be a family service and there will not be separate kids programming (nursery will be operating for 2 and under).  Kids Kits will be available at the Children’s Check In Desk. . If you will be watching from home and want to participate in Communion with us, we encourage you to gather elements such as grape juice and bread or crackers and have these ready for the service, which will be broadcasted live.
Grant County Rescue Mission Drive-In Banquet  - Next Tuesday, October 6th, the Grant County Rescue Mission will have their annual banquet in our parking lot from 6-8. Everyone is welcome to attend! We would love to see a good crowd from LWC there to support this amazing ministry that we partner with. A delicious meal will be provided to everyone in their cars and they ask that you register here ahead of time so they know how much food to prepare.

Kidz St. Needs You -  Kidz St.  will kick off on Wednesday, October 14th! Kidz St. will run for 6 weeks from 6-7 PM each evening. This ministry brings in 30 + children from the community to learn about God and His Word! In order for this ministry to happen, we are in need of 15 volunteers to help on Wednesday nights. We are in need of Bus Drivers and Riders, and Small Group Leaders.  If you are able to help, please text :children" to 765-222-5937. We can't run this ministry without you!

Pastor Appreciation Month – October is Pastor Appreciation Month! There will be printed lists on a table in the lobby this Sunday, and all month long, that outline a few of our pastors’  favorite things to give you ideas of ways to bless them and show appreciation! Stay tuned for a Pastor Spotlight each week in October as well!