Lakeview Wesleyan Church - Marion, Indiana

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8/5/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “Untaming Jesus,” you can watch it here.

Help Us Discern God’s Vision for LWC –   To kick off our vision discernment process, we will be hosting Focus Groups in September. These small groups of 15-20 people will be invited to invest 75 minutes together in answering 5 questions about our church. The thoughts, insights, and hopes that you share in these groups will be an important part of the vision discernment process, so we want every person who attends LWC to participate. Let’s be prayerful as we seek God’s direction for LWC! Sign up for a focus group here.

Baby Bottle Fundraiser – This Sunday is the last day to turn in Baby Bottles for the fundraiser with Pregnancy Help Center.  The goal is to reach or exceed $30 per bottle and they accept donations of cash, check, or credits cards (online here). Click here to find out more information about the center. If you were not able to pick a bottle up, you can still bring monetary donations in this Sunday and put it in a bottle, found in the back of the sanctuary.

Pray for Schools -  Join us in lifting up all teachers, school administrators, children, and parents as today is the first day of school for many children in our area!

Safety Plan –   In light of the governor's announcement regarding the state-wide mandate for masks to be worn in all commercial entities, we are asking everyone who attends an in-person service here at Lakeview or visits our building during the week to wear a mask. We want to set a good example as a leader in our community by taking every precaution as we seek to provide a COVID safe environment for our church family and the administrators, faculty, and students at our school. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!

Prayer Meeting Tuesday – Prayer meeting next Tuesday, August 11 will take place at Indiana Wesleyan University at the Williams Prayer Chapel on the main campus at 6:00 PM. For those who are unable to join us in person, please check in on the church’s Facebook account at 6:00 PM to pray along with us.

Pastoral Care Needs – If you need to get in touch with a pastor or have an immediate prayer need that you would like to specifically share with a pastor, please call (765) 251-8824 or email