Lakeview Wesleyan Church - Marion, Indiana

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6/3/20 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “Favor”, you can watch it here.
In-person and Online Church – We had a great reopening of in-person church this past Sunday! We wanted to remind you that you are more than welcome to participate live and in-person on Sundays or from the comfort of your home if you choose. Services will continue to be live-streamed on Sundays. If you choose to worship in person, note that it will be a family-style service (no children’s ministry) and we ask that if you have a fever or are not feeling well to please stay home. For more details on our safety plan, click here.
Brown Bag Ministry – We are in need of specific food items for our Brown Bag ministry. We generally have 2-3 requests a week for a food, and as of now, we do not have enough to make up even one bag, though we have plenty of canned vegetables. Items needed are: canned meat, canned beans, canned soup, boxed dinners, pasta, pasta sauce, instant rice, instant potatoes, canned fruit, oatmeal, cereal, and granola bars. Please remember this ministry the next time you are at the grocery store. Items can be dropped off at the church office between the hours of 9-3 or on Sunday mornings at the Welcome Center.
2019/2020 Year-end Reports -  Click here to read highlights from our pastors about last year in their year-end reports that would have been distributed at the Local Church Conference.
Drive Thru Prayer -  Drive Thru Prayer has been moved to Lot A (near the bypass and Door A) but the time will remain 11:30 – 12:30. You can feel free to bring your tithes and offering with you or just drive through for a special prayer from one of our pastors.