Lakeview Wesleyan Church - Marion, Indiana

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9/7/22 Newsflash

Lakeview Newsflash

Be a part of First Wednesdays @ Lakeview - On the first Wednesday of each month, beginning today, you are invited to participate in our meal and family service. Enter through doors C & D. Meal from 5 - 5:45 PM in the Lakeview Christian School cafeteria for $5 per person. Everyone will gather in the sanctuary at 6pm for a time of worship, Communion, and teaching. Kids will be dismissed prior to the teaching time for a message of their own! For more information, click here.

Fall Small Groups begin on September 11. Small Groups allow us to follow Jesus in community. To see what is available and sign up for a small group, go here.

Going Beyond Simulcast, featuring Priscilla Shirer and worship with Anthony Evans, will be at Lakeview Church on October 1, 8:45 AM-4 PM. Bring your Bible, a pen, and a friend! To register (by September 24), go here.

Make a difference by joining a missions trip to Mexico January 14 - 21, 2023. To find out more, contact Cindy Burchell at

Last Week's Message - If you missed Pastor Chris' message, Late Night Talk, you can watch it here. Click here to listen to songs you've heard at our Worship Services.