Lakeview Wesleyan Church - Marion, Indiana

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9/28/22 Newsflash

Lakeview Newsflash

Wednesday Small Groups meet tonight from 6-7:30 PM. Enter through doors C & D. Meal from 5 - 5:45 PM in the Lakeview Christian School cafeteria for $5 per person. Find your Small Group meeting place on the map and meet from 6 - 7:30 PM.

Going Beyond Simulcast - The Priscilla Shirer simulcast is this Saturday from 8:45 AM - 4 PM. Enter through doors C & D. See you there!

Interested in becoming a member at Lakeview? Sign up for our October 2 and 9 membership classes by clicking here.

Senior Adult Ministries (SAM) meeting this Sunday from 9:15-10:15 AM in the Fireside Room. Wilma Voght and Don Osborne are co-coordinating the SAM ministry. Come and hear a brief message from Don and give your input. If you identify as a senior adult, please join together with us this Sunday morning before the Worship Service.

Continue giving to our special Zambia offering by clicking here and then selecting "Other-Restricted" or by using an offering envelope and writing "Zambia" on the "Other" line.

Trunk or Treat will be on October 29 this year. To sign up to serve, click here.

Would you like to be baptized? This is the "next step" in proclaiming that you are a believer. To sign up, click here.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month! This week's spotlights are on April Raver, Children's Ministry Director and Derric and Bree Gowan, Youth Ministry Co-Directors. April, Derric and Bree all serve selflessly, helping our children and youth follow Jesus, live generously and make a difference.

Last Week's Message - If you missed Pastor Chris' message, A Grace-Filled Invitation, you can watch it here. Click here to listen to songs you've heard at our Worship Services.