Lakeview Wesleyan Church - Marion, Indiana

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11/18/20 Newsflash

Prayer Vigil Tonight  -  We are partnering with Brookhaven and The River to join together in prayer at Marion General Hospital tonight from 6-6:30 PM to lift up the patients and hospital staff who are dealing with a rapid rise in COVID cases and hospitalizations across our county. You are invited to meet in front of the main entrance to the hospital or stay in your car in the parking lot. All regularly scheduled programming at the church will run as scheduled tonight.

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, as part of our sermon series, The Blessed Life, titled,  “Where is Your Heart?”  you can watch it here.

Family Service  -  Sunday November 29th will be a Family Service and we will not be offering children’s programming, except nursery care for ages 2 and under. Kids Kits will be available for children sitting in the service. You are also welcome to join us online! Kids church will resume December 6th with regular children’s programming.

Who Is Your Plus One? Everybody has a network of relationships - family, friends, classmates, and coworkers. Some of those people do not yet have a relationship with Jesus Christ. This month we are asking you to identify who those people are, intercede for them daily, invest in them relationally, and invite them to join us for services this holiday season. Click here to hear Pastor Chris share about our prayer focus this month. 

Advent and Christmas Eve Services -  We are excited to be entering into the Advent Season very soon! We will kick off the season with a special evening Advent service on Sunday, Dec. 6th at 6:00 PM in the sanctuary. This will be a Family Service and there will not be separate children’s programming. We encourage you to pray about and invite your Plus One to the Sunday morning Advent services as well as the Sunday evening one! We will also have a special Christmas Eve service at 6:00 PM in the sanctuary.