Lakeview Wesleyan Church - Marion, Indiana

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4/21/21 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Chris shared, titled “Yeast,” as a part of our sermon series, ‘It’s Like…,’  you can watch it here.

Wonderspace Coming - Wonderspace will be providing a FREE indoor playing adventure for all Grant County families this Friday (4-8PM) and Saturday (10-2PM) at our church. Come in Door A. Come play with us!

Communion This Sunday - For those joining us online, we will be partaking of Communion this Sunday during the worship service and would encourage you to gather the elements if you would like to participate with us.

Dream Team Orientation - If you are currently serving or would like to serve in any capacity at Lakeview, and did not attend the Dream Team Launch in February, you have another opportunity coming up this Sunday! Immediately following service, we will have a Dream Team Orientation meeting in the Youth Room for anyone looking to join or continue serving on our Lakeview Dream Team. Contact Miss Kayla with questions.

Global Engagement Fund - Remember to turn in your Global Engagement Fund commitment card by the end of the month. Please note that one-time gifts will not be processed until the start of the new fiscal year (May 2) so that they can be included as part of the 2021-2022 goal. For more details on the Global Engagement Fund, refer to last week’s sermon.

Financial Report Town Hall - In order to maximize time in the Local Church Conference (May 16), we would like to hold two town hall meetings where you can see the financial report and proposed budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and ask questions related to finances. The meetings will be held in the youth room and will take place on May 2 immediately following church and Monday, May 10 at 6:30PM. You can attend either meeting virtually if you would like to do so.  Remember that on May 16, the worship service will start at 10:00AM, 30 minutes earlier than normal, so we can get through the service and Local Church Conference before lunch time.


Child Dedication - If you would like to have your child dedicated on Sunday May 9 (Mother’s Day), please contact Miss Kayla at or 765-674-7715.