Lakeview Wesleyan Church - Marion, Indiana

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4/28/21 Newsflash

Last Week’s Sermon -  If you missed last Sunday’s sermon that Pastor Jared shared, titled “Treasure,” as a part of our sermon series, ‘It’s Like…,’  you can watch it here.

Local Church Conference and Financial Town Hall - In order to maximize time in the Local Church Conference (May 16), we would like to hold two town hall meetings where you can see the financial report and proposed budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and ask questions related to finances. The meetings will be held in the youth room and will take place this Sunday immediately following church and Monday, May 10 at 6:30PM. You can attend either meeting virtually if you would like to do so.  Remember that on May 16, the worship service will start at 10:00AM, 30 minutes earlier than normal, so we can get through the service and Local Church Conference before lunch time. If you would like to join the meeting Sunday via zoom, you can find the link here.

Global Engagement Fund - Remember to turn in your Global Engagement Fund commitment card by the end of this week. Please note that one-time gifts will not be processed until the start of the new fiscal year (May 2) so that they can be included as part of the 2021-2022 goal. For more details on the Global Engagement Fund, refer to this sermon.

Register for Camp Now - It’s time for camp at Pokagon State Park! Kids for Christ Camp (KFC) for kids currently in grades 3-5 will be June 1-4 and those currently in grades 6-8 will attend 3 Fires Camp June 6-10. The cost is $115 per child. You can register here. If you would like to donate money to sponsor kids who cannot afford to go to camp, when you make a donation, write “camp” in the memo line. If you have questions about camp, you can reach out to Kayla at The deadline to register for camp is this Sunday, May 2.

National Day of Prayer Service - Next Thursday, May 6, from 12-1PM, there will be a special prayer service in honor of National Day of Prayer that will be held in the lobby on the 1st floor of City Hall in Marion. We hope you will come out and support the community, joining with other believers in prayer.

School Play - Lakeview Christian School is excited to showcase their acting talent in a production of “Our Town” this weekend! Come on out to the church and support our students and staff who have worked hard to put this play together! You can choose to come Friday or Saturday at 6PM or Sunday at 3PM. Tickets can be purchased at the door, but you are strongly encouraged to purchase tickets in advance by clicking here.