Lakeview Newsflash - July, 2024

Lakeview Newsflash

July 2024

We are excited to follow Jesus, live generously, and make a difference this month!

July has so much in store: Small Groups, Baptisms, Membership, Serve Day, Dearborn Information Meeting, a trip to the Circus and MORE! 

To find out more information about each of these head over to The Hub by clicking here. Don’t forget to check out the Sign Up section as well as the What’s Happening section. 

Lakeview Newsflash - May, 2024

If you've missed a sermon, you can watch any previous sermons here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

To find out What's Happening at Lakeview, visit The Hub at today. The Hub can keep you up to date all month long!

The Women’s Ministry invites all women to “Breathe: A Time of Personal Prayer for Women”, an evening of prayer, music and Scripture on Friday, May 3 from 7-8:30pm. Doors open at 6:45 PM. Take a night out to just come pray together as women for the needs of our families, our community, our nation and the world.  Childcare provided. Register on the Hub.

Central Asia Mission Trip Info Meeting will take place on Sunday, May 5. Learn more about a chance to make a difference in Central Asia in June 2025! Join us on Sunday, May 5, directly after the service for a Zoom meeting with our missionary partner in Central Asia to hear about how God is at work and how a team from LWC will have a chance to join the work there next summer! Be praying about if this is a trip God wants YOU to be a part of!

Senior Adult Ministries (SAMS) one-day trip to Shipshewana will be on May 7, 2024. Leave the church at 9:15 AM. Return approximately 5:00 PM. Bring money for lunch at the Blue Gate Restaurant, for shopping, and if you can, donate a little for gas for the bus. For more information and to register, go to the Hub. Because this trip is so close to our normal 2nd Thursday of the month brunch, there will be NO SAMS Brunch for the month of May. 

Our Annual Local Church Conference will be on Sunday, May 19 at 6 PM. All members are strongly encouraged to attend. This will be a time of celebration over what God has done in this past year as well as a time to elect lay leadership for the upcoming year. 

Vacation Bible School is almost here! Join us June 2-6 from 6-8:30 PM. Dream Teamers sign up here to help. Families, register your kids here!

Small Groups will begin again in June. Stay tuned for the Small Group roster coming out this month on The Hub.

More opportunities to Make a Difference! Stay tuned for more information about a chance to join a team going to Dearborn, Michigan October 18-22nd of this year! Details coming soon!

Need to talk to a pastor? Call our pastoral care line at 765-251-8824.

Join us as we read through the Bible in One Year! Look for instructions on What's Happening on The Hub to download the app. A list of readings for each day is also available at the Welcome Center.

Lakeview Newsflash - April, 2024

If you've missed a sermon, you can watch any previous sermons here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

To find out What's Happening at Lakeview, visit The Hub at today. The Hub can keep you up to date all month long!

There will be no Wednesdays @ Lakeview or small group meetings tonight, March 27. Wednesdays @ Lakeview and Small Groups will resume meeting (6-7:30 PM) next week. See Small Group options on the Sign-up area on The Hub. 

Good Friday Service is March 29 at 6 PM. This service will be a short, reflective communion service focused on the events surrounding the cross.

Easter Sunday Service is March 31 at 10:30 AM. Our Easter Sunday service will be a 1-hour, contemporary worship service celebrating Jesus' resurrection! Classes are available for children age birth-5th grade.

Senior Adult Ministries (SAMS) Brunch is meeting on April 11 beginning at 10 AM. Enter through Door A and meet in Meeting Room 3-FLC. (This is a change from where we have been meeting.) Our own Lola Gauby will teach us how to make spring artificial flower arrangements to take to our shut ins. Supplies will be furnished but please sign up so we know how many supplies to purchase. The meal costs $6 per person. Go to the Hub, scroll down to the Sign-Up area, and click on SAMS Brunch to sign up. 

Join us for a Marriage Conference on April 19-20! We believe in your marriage! If you're married, plan to join us for our Marriage Conference on April 19 & 20 here at Lakeview as Jim & Jerolyn Bogear teach us about healthy relationships. The cost is $50 per couple (scholarships available). You must register by April 10th. For more info and to register, click here.

The Women’s Ministry invites all women to “Breathe: A Time of Personal Prayer for Women”, an evening of prayer, music and Scripture on Friday, May 3 from 7-8:30pm. Take a night out to just come pray together as women for the needs of our families, our community, our nation and the world.  Childcare provided. Put it on your calendar now and plan to invite a friend.  Register on the Hub beginning April 3.

Senior Adult Ministries (SAMS) one-day trip to Shipshewana will be on May 7, 2024. For more information and to register, go to the Hub beginning April 3, 2024. 

Need to talk to a pastor? Call our pastoral care line at 765-251-8824.

Join us as we read through the Bible in One Year! Look for instructions on What's Happening on The Hub to download the app. A list of readings for each day is also available at the Welcome Center.

Lakeview Newflash - March 2024

If you've missed a sermon, you can watch any previous sermons here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

To find out What's Happening at Lakeview, visit The Hub at today. The Hub can keep you up to date all month long!

Wednesdays @ Lakeview is our Small Group meeting time (6-7:30 PM) for each member of the family. See Small Group options on the Sign-up area on The Hub.

Feeling crafty? Come on March 2 from 1-3 PM and help us make some decorations for our SCUBA Vacation Bible School! All materials will be provided! Enter through Door C. Questions? Ask Miss April!

Lakeview Christian School Easter Egg orders are due March 8 by 3 pm. Flavors available this year are: peanut butter in chocolate, peanut butter in white chocolate, chocolate mint in dark chocolate, chocolate chip cookie, white party egg, raspberry in dark chocolate and raspberry in white chocolate. Order through any LCS student or visit the LCS website at Home | Lakeview Christian School. Eggs are $3.  Any additional eggs will be available on March 17 in the church lobby.

Budget Feedback Session - You are welcome to attend our Budget Feedback Session March 11 at 6 PM in meeting room 2.  As we prepare our budget for the 24/25 Fiscal Year, we want to give you the opportunity to ask questions and speak into our budget. 

Senior Adult Ministries (SAMS) Brunch is on March 14 at 10 AM. Our own Karl Gauby will speak to us about "Getting Our Affairs in Order". Karl will share with us some of his unique knowledge about estate planning. The meal costs $5 per person. Please go to the Hub, scroll down to the Sign-Up area, and click on SAMS Brunch to sign up. 

Spring Campus-Wide Workday will be Saturday, March 16 from 9 AM-3 PM. Email or call Pastor Christian at or call 765-674-7715 if you are willing to help. We have much to do to prepare our church and campus for Easter. Breakfast and lunch will be provided for those who contact Pastor Christian.

Is your next step Baptism? We will be baptizing during the Easter Worship Service on March 31. To find out more about baptism, go to Next Steps and select Baptism on our website

The Easter EGGsperience is on Saturday, March 23 from 1-3:30 PM. Families will EGGsperience Easter through fun EGGsperiments as they travel through stations that share the Easter story! No sign up required!

The New Marion Easer Pageant performances will be on March 25 & 26 at 7 PM at the YMCA in Marion. The performance is free, but tickets are required for admission. Tickets are available at the YMCA beginning March 1 on a first-come-first-serve basis. For more information go to Marion Easter Pageant.

There will be no Wednesdays @ Lakeview or small group meetings on March 27.

Good Friday Service is March 29 at 6 PM. This service will be a short, reflective service focused on the events surrounding the cross.

Easter Sunday Service is March 31 at 10:30 AM. Our Easter Sunday service will be an 1-hour, contemporary worship service celebrating Jesus' resurrection! Classes are available for children age birth-5th grade.

Need to talk to a pastor? Call our pastoral care line at 765-251-8824.

Join us as we read through the Bible in One Year! Look for instructions on What's Happening on The Hub to download the app. A list of readings for each day is also available at the Welcome Center.

Lakeview Newflash - February 2024

If you've missed a sermon, you can watch any previous sermons here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

To find out What's Happening at Lakeview, visit The Hub at today. The Hub can keep you up to date all month long!

Join us as we read through the Bible in One Year! Look for instructions on What's Happening on The Hub to download the app. A list of readings for each day is available at the Welcome Center or online.

Wednesdays @ Lakeview is our Small Group meeting time (6-7:30 PM) for each member of the family. See Small Group options on the Sign-up area on The Hub. Wednesdays @ Lakeview resumes January 31.  Meals will no longer be offered before Wednesdays @ Lakeview. 

Senior Adult Ministries (SAMS) take-with Brunch and Salamonie Reservoir Eagles Trip - Join us on Thursday, February 8 for a take-with brunch and birding trip to see the eagles. Our own April Raver will be our guide. Bring your favorite take-with cup, binoculars, a warm blanket, $5 for the SAM's Brunch, gas money for the bus, and enough money to pay for dinner at Harvey Hinkemeyer's in Wabash on the way home. You must sign up on The Hub.

Parent's Night Out - Bring your kids/grandkids for a FREE dinner and a live event with professional mascots, hilarious skits, crazy stunts, and interactive games (right here at Lakeview) so that YOU can have a night out! The event will take place on February 10 from 4-8 PM for kids from birth through 5th grade. Register by February 3, 2024 on the Sign-Up area of The Hub. If you do not have kids at home, plan to sign up to help by going to the Sign-Up as a Dream Teamer area on The Hub.

SAM's Valentine's Dinner is on February 15 beginning at 6 PM for $20 per person. Register on the Sign-Up area of The Hub. Send me your wedding picture and the story of how you met. If you have no spouse, send me the story of how you fell in love with Jesus. The more pictures you can send of couples over the years. the better. Send pics and stories to

Is your next step Baptism? We will be baptizing during the February 18 Worship Service. To find out more about baptism, go to Next Steps and select Baptism on our website.

Budget Feedback Sessions - As we prepare our budget for the 24/25 Fiscal Year, we want to give you the opportunity to ask questions and speak into our budget. You're welcome to join us for one of our Budget Feedback Sessions that will take place in Meeting Room 2 on February 18 after the Service, February 20 at 6 PM or March 11 at 6 PM.

New Members will be inducted into the congregation on February 25. If you are interested in becoming a member, go to Next Steps and select Become a Member on the church website.

Feeling crafty? Come to Lakeview on March 2nd from 1-3 PM and help us make some decorations for our SCUBA VBS! All materials will be provided! Enter through Door C. Questions? Ask Miss April!

Need to talk to a pastor? Call our pastoral care line at 765-251-8824.

Lakeview Newsflash - January 2024

If you've missed a sermon, you can watch any previous sermons here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

To find out What's Happening at Lakeview, visit The Hub at today.

Join us for 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting! Start off the year by putting God first and building a habit of prayer. Beginning Monday, January 8, we will pray in the sanctuary from 6-7 am every week day. On Saturdays (Jan. 13, 20 and 27) a prayer service will be held in the sanctuary from 9-10 am. For more info and prayer resources visit here. Don't miss out on seeking more of God with us as we enter a new year!

Pray for our Mexico mission team: Cindy & Bob Burchell, Kathy & Luke Fair, Amos & Jessica & Phoebe Folz, Layne Maki, Jaylynn Newman, and Elaine Rhetts. The team departs January 13 and returns January 20. Pray for safe travels, for energy as they serve, for good health, and for opportunities to share the love of Christ through both action AND word. Pray for God’s will to be done in and through this team as they seek to make a kingdom difference in Irapuato, Mexico!

Join us as we read through the Bible in One Year! Bookmarks are available at the Welcome Center or online.

Senior Adult Ministries (SAMS) Salamonie Reservoir Eagle Trip - Join us on Saturday, January 20th at 2:00 pm for a special look at the winter spectacle of eagles along the upper Wabash River and reservoir floodplains. Our own April Raver, IAS member and birder, will guide us. We leave the church parking lot and travel by bus to a few areas to view both feeding and roosting eagles. There will be a short walking opportunity to view eagles’ nests. Go to the Hub to sign up. Total time about 4 hours. Bring a snack/drink, a warm blanket, gas money for the bus, and enough money to pay for dinner at Harvey Hinklemeyer’s in Wabash on the way home.

There will be NO SAMS Brunch in January, but SAMS Brunch will resume in February.

Wednesdays @ Lakeview is our small groups meeting time for each member of the family. Wednesdays @ Lakeview just finished its Fall semester and will return in February of 2024. Meals will no longer be offered before small groups on Wednesdays.

Need to talk to a pastor? Call our pastoral care line at 765-251-8824.

Lakeview Newsflash - December 2023

If you've missed a sermon, you can watch any previous sermons here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

To find out What's Happening at Lakeview, visit The Hub at today.

Bring your family and friends to our Christmas Conversations Series the whole month of December on Sundays at 10:30 AM.

Women's Ministry Cookie Connection is December 2 from 10 AM - 12 PM. Bring 2 dozen cookies, add them to everyone else's cookies, take 1 dozen assorted cookies home, and donate the other 1 dozen for shut ins. We will work in teams to take a stocking and a dozen cookies to each of our Lakeview shut-ins later that morning. Brunch will be served,1 and you can do some Christmas shopping at our book sale! There will be NO childcare for this event. Go to the Hub and scroll down to Sign Up area to sign up.

Wednesdays @ Lakeview is our convenient meal and small groups for each member of the family. We have a $5 meal from 5-5:45 PM and adult, youth, and children's groups that begin at 6 PM. Our last Wednesday @ Lakeview for this semester is on December 13, 2023. Wednesdays @ Lakeview will return in February of 2024.

Join us for our Candlelight Advent Service on Sunday, December 10, at 6:00 PM. Experience the warmth of the season as we celebrate Christmas together. There will be light refreshments following the service.

Senior Adult Ministries (SAMS) is hosting its monthly brunch on Wednesday, December 13 from 10 AM-12 PM at the Hostess House. This historic old home is always decorated beautifully for Christmas by the Friends of the Hostess House and the meal this year is the classic Hostess House Chicken Salad with Lemon Poppy Seed bread, beverage and warm apple cake for $20.00. Go to the Hub, scroll down to the "Sign Up" area and select the SAMS Brunch.  Sign up by December 5. Park on 4th Street or the side Streets. We will be singing Christmas carols after our meal and sharing stories about our faith throughout this past year.

As a part of the GO Initiative, we are planning a special Legacy Offering on December 17. Every dollar given on that day will be dedicated to organizations and projects we support in our One Fund budget, which extend beyond our local church. Not a single dollar of this offering will be retained for our own ministry needs at Lakeview Church. Instead, it will directly support key components of The GO Initiative, including Local Outreach Partners, Benevolence, and our partnership with African Wesleyan University College. This offering represents a significant step in realizing our vision to impact lives beyond our church walls. Thank you for honoring your commitments and even giving above and beyond! We can never outgive the Lord! He even tells us to test him on this. Watch GO Initiative progress week by week by going to our church website ( and clicking on the Hub, scrolling down and clicking on the "Giving" area.

Need to talk to a pastor? Call our pastoral care line at 765-251-8824.

Lakeview Newsflash - November 2023

If you've missed a sermon, you can watch any previous sermons here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

To find out What's Happening at Lakeview, visit The Hub at today.

Wednesdays @ Lakeview - Looking for a convenient meal and small groups for each member of the family? Be sure to check out our midweek groups that take place during our "Wednesdays @ Lakeview". We have a $5 meal from 5-5:45 PM and adult, youth, and children's groups that begin at 6 PM.

Family Communion - Join us for come and go Communion with your family or friends on Wednesday, November 22 from 6-7:30 PM. Enter through Door C. No Wednesdays @ Lakeview on this evening.

Feed the Street bag packing help is needed on November 8 from 1-3 PM. The deadline for food donations is Sunday, November 5. Contact April Raver at to help with this ministry. Your donations of food and help are greatly appreciated!

The GO Initiative - Remember to bring in your Go Commitment Cards by Sunday, October 29. For more information on The Go Initiative, click here. Join us for the Go Initiative Celebration Sunday on November 5 at 10:30 AM.

IWU is hosting a free celebration breakfast to honor and recognize veterans on Thursday, November 16 from 7:30-9:00 am. This is not a come and go event, but rather a 1.5-hour program with keynote speaker Steve Shepherd. Seating is limited and you must register for the breakfast to attend. Click here to register. Note: you may have to establish an Iris account to register.

Senior Adult Ministries (SAMS) is hosting its monthly brunch on November 9 from 10 AM-12 PM. Enter through Door C. Cost is $5 per person. Go to The Hub by November 8 to sign up.

Pick up an Operation Christmas Child shoebox in the lobby to provide a Christmas gift to children around the world! Boxes are due back to the church on Sunday, November 12. Help is also needed to collect shoeboxes here at the church during National Collection Week (Monday, November 13-Monday, November 20). If you are interested in helping during that week, contact Jeannette Spratt at Sign up for a time to help at the sanctuary display for OCC.

Women's Ministry has several Advent Devotionals for sale. If you are interested in having one of these fine devotionals, please contact Zoe Hagy at

Need to talk to a pastor? Call our pastoral care line at 765-251-8824.

Lakeview Newsflash - October 2023

Lakeview Newsflash

If you've missed a sermon, you can watch any previous sermons here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

To find out What's Happening at Lakeview, visit The Hub at today.

Wednesdays @ Lakeview! Looking for a convenient meal and small groups for each member of the family? Be sure to check out our midweek groups that take place during our "Wednesdays @ Lakeview". We have a $5 meal from 5-5:45 PM and adult, youth, and children's groups that begin at 6 PM.

Feed the Street bag packing help is needed on October 4 from 1-3 PM. The deadline for food donations is Sunday, October 1. Contact April Raver at to help with this ministry.

Mark your calendars for our last message in The GO Initiative series titled "GO Now".  You won't want to miss this Commitment Sunday on October 8 at 10:30 AM.

Is your Next Step Baptism? To learn more about baptism and to sign up for the baptism class on October 8, go to The Hub.  Our next Baptism Sunday is on October 15.

Senior Adult Ministries (SAMS) is hosting its monthly brunch on October 12 from 10 AM - 12 PM. Enter through Door C. Cost is $5 per person. Guest speakers are from Needham-Storey- Wampner Funeral and Cremation Service and Grant Memorial Park to share their "Circle of Care" that they provide to support people in the community as they lose a loved one. Go to The Hub by October 10 to sign up.

Fall Work Day - On Saturday, October 21 from 9 AM to 3 PM, we will be hosting a Fall Work Day to tidy up the interior and exterior of our campus.  Breakfast and lunch will be provided to those who email Pastor Christian that they are coming.  With Trunk or Treat happening the following weekend, we want to get our campus looking as good as we can for the thousands of guests that will be on our campus! If you are able-bodied and interested in helping with projects like raking, picking up sticks, touching up paint, cleaning carpets, etc., please email, text, or call pastor Christian ( and let him know that you would like to help!

We need your help with Trunk or Treat on October 28, from 5-8 PM. Go to The Hub to sign up to help.  Don't forget to bring your kids, grandkids and neighbors on the 28th to experience Trunk or Treat! 

Need to talk to a pastor? Call our pastoral care line at 765-251-8824.

Lakeview Newsflash - September 2023

Lakeview Newsflash

If you missed a message or sermon from any of our series, you can watch it here. Scroll down for additional messages. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Check out our new web Hub! Find out what's happening at Lakeview, next steps, opportunities to sign up, giving reports, and other important info all in one convenient spot! Visit today!

Youth Group begins September 6 for kids in grades 6-12. Meet in the Youth Room of the church from 6-7:30 PM. Enter through Door A.

Small Groups start on September 10! Find and sign up for a group on the Hub.

Wednesdays @ Lakeview begins September 13! Looking for a convenient meal and small groups for each member of the family? Be sure to check out our midweek groups that take place during our "Wednesdays @ Lakeview". We have a $5 meal at 5 PM and adult, youth, and children's groups that begin at 6 PM.

Creating Connections: Women's Ministry Fall Kick-Off. Ladies, come and join us on Friday, September 8, 6-8 PM in the Family Life Center (Room 3). Register on the Hub. Enter through Door A. Dinner will be catered by Fazoli's; $5 for dinner and activities. Childcare provided but must pre-register. Please bring a sack lunch for your child(ren). The deadline to register is Tuesday, September 5.

Senior Adult Ministries (SAMS) is hosting its monthly brunch on September 14 from 10 AM - Noon at Lakeview Church. Enter through Door C. $5 per person. Guest speaker is Jess Alumbaugh, Mayor of Marion, Indiana. Go to the Hub to sign up by September 6, 2023. You can also sign up for a trip to the Downtown Bluffton Free Fair on September 23, 2023. There are sidewalk vendors, music, food and rides. Buy your own stuff at the fair, but please bring $5 each for gas for the bus. We will leave the church parking lot at 10 AM and return at 4 PM.

Need to talk to a pastor? Call our pastoral care line at 765-251-8824.

Lakeview Newsflash - August 2023

Lakeview Newsflash

If you missed a message or sermon from any of our series, you can watch it here. Scroll down for additional messages. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Check out our new web Hub! Find out what's happening at Lakeview, next steps, opportunities to sign up, giving reports, and other important info all in one convenient spot! Visit today!

21 Days of Prayer - Mark your calendars for our next season of 21 Days of Prayer starting August 6: weekdays from 6-7 AM and on Saturdays from 9-10 AM.

Senior Adult Ministries (SAMS) is hosting its monthly brunch on August 10 from 10 AM - Noon at Lakeview Church. Enter through Door A. $5 per person. Guest speaker is Ronald Morrell, candidate for mayor of Marion, Indiana. Go to the Hub to sign up by August 4, 2023.

Common Thread Ministry is hosting a Luncheon with guest speaker, Rachel O'Neil, founder of Little Dresses for Africa and Britches for Boys, August 12 from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM. To reserve a seat RSVP to or call 765-669-2779 or to or call 765-661-5451 by July 31, 2023.

Need to talk to a pastor? Call our pastoral care line at 765-251-8824.

Want to experience making a difference around the world? Apply today to join our team heading to Irapuato, Mexico this January! Application and more info can be found on the "What's Happening" section of the Hub.

07/19/23 Newsflash

Lakeview Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Jessica's message "Jars", in our Ancient Stories for Everyday People Series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Check out our new web Hub! Find out what's happening at Lakeview, next steps, opportunities to sign up, giving reports, and other important info all in one convenient spot! Visit today!

Need to talk to a pastor? Call our pastoral care line at 765-251-8824.

Want to experience making a difference around the world? Apply today to join our team heading to Irapuato, Mexico this January! Application and more info can be found on the "What's Happening" section of the Hub.

21 Days of Prayer - Mark your calendars for our next season of 21 Days of Prayer starting August 6.

Newsflash will be going out monthly instead of weekly beginning in August!

07/12/23 Newsflash

Lakeview Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Jessica's message "Flour and Oil", in our Ancient Stories for Everyday People Series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Help support our youth in their 2nd Car Wash Fundraiser: 
When: Thursday, July 13 from 2:30-4:30 PM
Where: Lakeview Church Parking Lot.
Donations go towards helping youth attend life-changing events this year. 

Check out our new web Hub! Find out what's happening at Lakeview, next steps, opportunities to sign up, giving reports, and other important info all in one convenient spot! Visit today!

Want to experience making a difference around the world? Apply today to join our team heading to Irapuato, Mexico this January! Application and more info can be found on the "What's Happening" section of the Hub.

21 Days of Prayer - Mark your calendars for our next season of 21 Days of Prayer starting August 6.

Newsflash will be going out monthly instead of weekly beginning in August!

07/05/23 Newsflash

Lakeview Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Christian's message "The Tower of Babel", in our Ancient Stories for Everyday People Series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Check out our new web Hub! Find out what's happening at Lakeview, next steps, opportunities to sign up, giving reports, and other important info all in one convenient spot! Visit today!

Interested in being baptized? Our next baptisms will be on July 16. To sign up for baptism, click here.

Want to experience making a difference around the world? Apply today to join our team heading to Irapuato, Mexico this January! Application and more info can be found on the "What's Happening" section of the Hub.

21 Days of Prayer - Mark your calendars for our next season of 21 Days of Prayer starting August 6.

06/28/23 Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Jared's message, "David and Jonathan's Friendship", in our Ancient Stories for Everyday People Series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Youth Car Wash and Hot Dog Fundraiser! June 29 (tomorrow), from 11 AM to 1 PM in the Lakeview Church Parking Lot. Donations gratefully accepted! 

The Church Office will be closed July 4, 2023.

Check out our new web Hub! Find out what's happening at Lakeview, next steps, opportunities to sign up, giving reports, and other important info all in one convenient spot! Visit today!

Interested in being baptized? Our next baptisms will be on July 16. To sign up for baptism, click here.

Want to experience making a difference around the world? Apply today to join our team heading to Irapuato, Mexico this January! Application and more info can be found on the “What’s Happening” section of the Hub.

06/21/23 Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Jessica's message, "Elisha and the Unseen Army", in our Ancient Stories for Everyday People Series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Summer Small Groups have started!  There are a variety of options! You can still sign up here.

STELLAR Vacation Bible School is underway! There are two more sessions on June 21 & 22 from 6-8:30 PM. You can still register kids (potty trained 3-year-olds through 5th grade) by clicking here

Check out our new web Hub! Find out what's happening at Lakeview, next steps, opportunities to sign up, giving reports, and other important info all in one convenient spot! Visit today!

06/14/23 Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Chris' message, "Trusting God When the Heat Gets Turned Up", in our Ancient Stories for Everyday People Series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Summer Small Groups have started!  There are a variety of options! You can still sign up here.

STELLAR Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 18-22 from 6-8:30 PM. To register kids (potty trained 3-year-olds and up through 5th grade), click here. Dream Teamers who wish to serve during VBS can sign up here.

06/07/23 Newsflash

If you missed Pastor Chris' message, "Living a Godly Life in an Ungodly Culture", in our Ancient Stories for Everyday People Series, you can watch it here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

Summer Small Groups have started!  There are a variety of options! You can still sign up here.

STELLAR Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 18-22 from 6-8:30 PM. To register kids (potty trained 3-year-olds and up through 5th grade), click here. Dream Teamers who wish to serve during VBS, sign up here.