
Jessica Folz
Assistant Pastor

- Birthday: September 23
- Born and Raised:
I was born in Heidelberg, Germany and raised all over the US and Germany!! My dad was in the army!
- Married to: Amos; May 23, 2015
- Children/Pets: We have two indoor cats, Qisa and Rena, a “garage” cat, Mama, and a couple of strays that have adopted us!
- Hobbies/Interests: One of my all time favorite things to do is share a new experience with someone who has never experienced that thing! I love getting to introduce them to those new things, especially if I know they’re going to love it! I also enjoy traveling, playing guitar, watercolor painting, and reading historical fiction.
- Favorite Bible Verse & Why: Colossians 3:17 “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” This verse is basically part of my goal in life, to do everything for God’s glory, no matter what I am doing. God has opened several doors to me, but no matter what I do, I can and should do it all for Him and to further His name!
- Fun Fact: I have been *trying* to teach myself Arabic through apps on my phone! I also use those apps to refresh myself on my Spanish.
- What you want others to know that you’re too humble/shy to broadcast: I am never too busy to have a “soul conversation”. This is one of my favorite things to do and, I believe, one of the most important things I do…sitting down and asking “how is your soul?” and really hearing how you are doing. While my office time is often busy with tasks and projects, I will ALWAYS find time to sit down and talk! Please don’t hesitate to ask me, no matter how busy I may seem! I may have a hard time making time for more “doing” but I will always make time for “being”—being present with people in the moment and hearing what God is doing in your life!
- Bucket List Ideas: - I would love to serve for an extended time on the foreign mission field if God allows us!
- How God is moving in your life right now: One thing God has been teaching me lately is the freedom that is found in full surrender. He has pointed out areas of my life where I have been fighting Him for control and has reminded me that it is so much more freeing to let go and let Him be in control...everything is in His hands already anyways! He has also been continually reminding me how little this life is about me and how everything is about Him! He has been teaching me more and more how to empty myself so I can be fully His!