The Go Initiative is a comprehensive plan to lead our church to invest $2.25M in generosity over 2 years to fund present, ongoing ministry, reduce past debt, and fund future vision.

Over the past few years, God has given us incredible clarity about who we are, what we believe, why we exist, where we are headed, and how to get there…and now it’s time to GO!


Ask God what you can do to help us step up to the starting line we are ready to run the race He has marked out for us. How does God want to work in and through your life in The Go Initiative as we move forward into the future He has for us?



Trust God to show you what it means to Put God First in every area of your life, including generosity and finances. Consider what your next step of generosity is as you seek to grow in your spiritual journey through this initiative. As you live generously through The Go Initiative, you will grow personally and contribute to our vision of Making Disciples, Transforming the Community, and Multiplying the Church. To fill out a digital Commitment Card, click the ‘Commitment Card’ button. Need help calculating your gift? Click the ‘Calculate Your Gift’ button.



Commit to being involved in what is going on in and through Lakeview Church. Consider how you can make a difference by deepening your investment in others. If you are not currently on the Dream Team serving regularly at our church, join us so you can experience what it means to serve God by serving others. Click the button to learn how you can be part of the Dream Team today!