It’s that time of year again! Pumpkin spice items are taking over grocery shelving, frost is beginning to appear on our windshields, lawns no longer need to be mowed…
We sit down at familiar restaurants, pick up familiar menus, and order familiar food. “I’ll have the Chicken Alfredo with a bowl of Gnocchi soup on the side…”
Dr. Keith Springer, Professor of Educational Ministries, Indiana Wesleyan University
In the Old Testament, we read that Samson’s father, Manoah, asked the angel: “Can you give us any instructions about how we should raise the child after he is born?” (Judges 13:12)…
You heard it here, folks—Jesus Christ, the Son of God, does NOT need our tithe. The Way, the Truth, and the Life has no need for our crisp or weathered green paper…