April Raver
Children’s Director

- Birthday: April 22
- Born and Raised:
I’ve lived in Indiana most of my life other than 3 years in Ohio when I was in late elementary school. I've lived in Marion since middle school
- Children/Pets: 1 cat named Ollie (no kids but I consider all of my Lakeview kids “my kids!”) My niece and nephew live across the street from me and I love spending time with them - Lulu 2, Mac 3.
- Hobbies/Interests: Birding, writing, crafting, hiking, photography
- Favorite Bible Verse & Why: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13. When I first became a Christian (in high school), my pastor gave me a wallet card with this verse on it. Whenever I felt anxious or scared, I would pull out that card and read it. It has been a good reminder to me over the years, that even when I feel anxious or incapable that I can do it… with Gods help!
- Fun Fact: I’ve seen 233 different species of birds in Indiana. You might often find me chasing a “lifer” (bird I haven’t seen before) on my day off trying to add to that number. Incidentally, I just added bird number 233 this week right here in Marion - a Eurasian Collared Dove!
- What you want others to know that you’re too humble/shy to broadcast: I really enjoy spending time with people. Even though I’m very quiet and reserved, I love spending time with others in smaller settings.
- Bucket List Ideas: - I want to visit all of the national parks. I’ve never been west of Illinois. Some day I want to travel west! I’d also love to see Niagara Falls.
- How God is moving in your life right now: I’ve always been very quiet and shy. God has been encouraging me to step outside my comfort zone, talk more with others (especially people I don’t know), and focus on outreach to the kids and families in our community.